Send better emails with custom-made templates

Time to take your email marketing strategy to the next level! Let us design and program your very own email templates and immediately improve your performance. On-brand, mobile optimized and hand-coded, say hi to better results!

Get higher campaign performance

Professional-looking templates are essential to an effective email marketing strategy. Image to text ratio, structure and CTA in the right place are all instrumental to your campaign performance. Not enough capacity in your team to work on this right now? Been looking to refresh your templates but not sure where to start? No worries, at Brevo (ex Sendinblue), we don’t just help you send emails, we can also design and program templates for you!

Benefits of professional email templates

  • Entirely custom-made to suit your needs
  • Designed with your visual identity
  • Mobile-optimized and tested across multiple email clients for improved display
  • Fully editable master template, simply replace messaging & images, and go!
  • Hand coded with creative possibilities beyond the Brevo (ex Sendinblue) editor
  • Enhanced structure for better results
  • Packages start from 399€ only
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They already trust Brevo (ex Sendinblue) with their templates design

Additional benefits to make your templates more attractive


In addition to optimizing your template for mobile and tablet devices, as well as most email clients, we offer a Dark Mode Optimisation


We can integrate Gifs, countdowns and dynamic greetings to your master template


Our templates are designed with your custom corporate font for perfect alignment with your visual identity

RSS Feed

Our custom templates also integrate an RSS feed should you wish to take advantage of this feature

Enjoy the results, leave the leg work to us!

Defining needs

Speak to one of our experts to determine the best option for you, depending on whether you already have your own design and the type of email clients you’d like us to test on

Getting your template ready

Once you’ve selected your ideal package, you’ll complete a questionnaire to detail your requirements. A single point of contact will be available to answer any questions and guide you through the process.  

Delivered in 10 days!

You get full approval over the design of course. 10 days after your validation, our professional designer will deliver your master template, ready for you to use and edit as you see fit.  

Get your custom templates!

Let one of our consultants walk you through what templates can do for your campaign performance.

Book your meeting now