April 19, 2023

8 Father’s Day Email Examples to Wow Your Customers

Reading time about 12 min

With Father’s Day just around the corner — June 18th — now’s the time to start sending Father’s Day email campaigns to showcase your best gift ideas for dad. 

Despite being a smaller spending holiday than Mother’s Day, Father’s Day remains a key sales opportunity for ecommerce businesses and marketers. Just take a look at the numbers.

The National Retail Federation (NRF) estimates Father’s Day spending at $196.23 per person. Moreover, 76% of consumers plan on celebrating Father’s Day with family and friends.

As with any gift-giving holiday, email marketing opportunities are ripe for the taking.

Should your business send Father’s Day emails?

With the right messaging, any brick-and-mortar retailer or ecommerce store can benefit from this gift-giving holiday. 

Whether you’re a small business or an established retail chain, consumer holidays are central to any B2C email marketing strategy, and Father’s Day is no exception.

Are you selling something that would make a good gift for dad? If yes, run a Father’s Day email campaign. 

So many products are applicable to Father’s Day, whether it’s physical or experience-based gifts (holidays, outings, restaurant vouchers, etc.). 

8 Father’s Day email examples to inspire you

The secret to driving more sales with a Father’s Day email marketing campaign is capturing your subscribers’ attention.

The best Father’s day email will have a curated selection of Father’s Day goodies, clever visuals, a catchy subject line, and an enticing offer. 

Use this checklist to create your own Father’s Day email campaign:

  • Make the offer valid within a limited time frame to create a sense of urgency
  • Include a clearly visible CTA (call to action)
  • Explain the offer conditions and how to use any discount codes (e.g. Get an Extra $15 Off your order using promo code ‘DADROCKS’ when you spend $80 or more. Simply apply the code at checkout.
  • If the subscriber doesn’t engage the first time around, use marketing automation to send another email reminder before the Father’s Day sale ends
  • Scale multi-channel marketing by promoting the special offer on social media and other channels

Remember when it comes to getting noticed, your Father’s Day email subject line will do the bulk of the heavy lifting.

The subject line is your subscribers’ first impression of your email campaign. If it’s not enticing or relevant, they won’t open your email. That’s right — they won’t even see your great Father’s Day offers.

That’s why you should really put extra effort into your Father’s Day email subject line!

With the above in mind let’s dive into the best Father’s Day email examples that you can use as inspiration for your own marketing efforts.

Related: 120 Mother’s Day Email Subject Lines Guaranteed to Increase Open Rates

1. Father’s Day sale — DrinkSpy

One surefire way to boost revenue and fend off the competition is with a Father’s Day sale, discount or special offer.

Just like in this Father’s Day email from DrinkSpy. Shoppers looking for Dad’s favorite beer will be happy to grab a crate or two while the sale lasts.

It’s also a good example of how to showcase a large number of products in a way that’s easy to digest.

A Happy Father's Day email example from DrinkSpy

Created with Brevo

2. Father’s Day gift guide — Discover Books

Discover Books put forward its best selection of Dad products in an email gift guide to highlight Dad-approved products. 

Figuring out what dad really wants and finding that perfect gift takes time and effort. By presenting great Father’s Day gift ideas in your email, you’re doing your subscribers a favor.

If your store sells lots of different things, narrow down the selection so that it’s super relevant for dad. A curated approach makes it easy for subscribers to find the perfect gift without having to think or take too much action.

Father’s Day gift guides are a sure-fire way to promote your best ‘dad products’ and provide value for customers. It’s a win-win scenario. 

Father’s Day Gift Guide email example

3. Father’s Day experience — Airbnb

Airbnb’s Father’s Day email campaign is a prime example of how gift guides shouldn’t be limited to just physical gifts. Experiences and activities make some of the best gifts for dad.

So if you’re offering experience-based gifts (trips, concerts, sporting activities, etc.), pop them into your email as well.

Father’s Day Experience email promotion


4. Father’s Day bundle — MudGear

A key tip is to focus on the benefits and outcomes (i.e. what dad really wants), just like outdoor apparel store MudGear did in its Father’s Day email.

Make your gift guide more targeted with a high-value Father’s Day bundle.  

Putting together a number of goods or services in a combined package makes it even easier for subscribers to know what to get dad — and get value for money too. 

Because that’s the thing: Bundle pricing has a powerful psychological impact on consumers. It creates a perception of increased value and savings that’s hard to resist.

By offering a great Father’s Day deal, you can get subscribers to spend more than they usually would and increase your average basket value.    

For this approach to be successful, you’ll need to really demonstrate the value of the bundle as a gift for dad.

 Father’s Day Bundle promo email

Created with Brevo

5. Father’s Day personalized gift — Codeverse

A product that customers can either customize or add a personal message makes for a much more meaningful Father’s Day gift. Gift mugs and ties are fun but some people want more original ways to show their appreciation for dad like a personalized gift.

In its Father’s Day email campaign Codeverse showed its customers how they can code up a custom video game for Dad.

Set yourself apart from the competition by offering something more unique in your Father’s Day email campaign.

If your store sells products that only you offer, promote these to your subscribers. The idea is to surprise dad with something he’d never expect.

Father’s Day personalized gift email


6. Father’s Day accessories — Printster

There’s nothing worse than running around at the last minute trying to find a Father’s Day card and wrapping paper. For the least organized among us, it’s best to pick up these items at the same time as the main gift. 

Printster advertised extra items like gift wrapping and Father’s Day cards to make it easier for its shoppers to prep their gifts.

So if your ecommerce business also sells cards and gift wrap, one idea is to feature them in your Father’s Day email. Alternatively, offer them as extras at checkout.  

This is a great way to further capitalize on Father’s Day spending and create a convenient gifting experience. 

Father’s Day accessories email

7. Father’s Day gift cards — Dollar Shave Club

So your subscribers missed the last round of orders to deliver in time for Father’s Day? 

Not a problem. Gift cards can be delivered digitally — that’s how simple Dollar Shave Club made its gift card buying experience.

Gift cards are the ideal solution for last-minute shoppers and an easy way to give a final boost to your Father’s Day marketing revenue.

Reel in last-minute shoppers with email automation. Create an automated sequence to target non-buyers with a ‘Buy a gift card’ campaign the day before Father’s Day. 

Father’s Day gift card email offer


8. Father’s Day newsletter — Beardbrand

It doesn’t have to be all ‘sell, sell, sell’ in email marketing. You can also use your Father’s Day email to tell a story or share a message that showcases your values and appeals to your audience’s emotions.

If your audience is mostly dads, why not just wish them a happy Father’s Day? If it fits your tone of voice, throw in a light-hearted dad joke as well.

Beardbrand does exactly that with the subject line ‘Shoutout to all the Dads’.

email wishing happy Father's day


Father’s Day email design best practices

Apart from having a killer subject line, an effective Father’s Day email depends largely on the email design. Here’s a design checklist to help you get it right:


  • Use plenty of blank space so your Father’s Day gift guide doesn’t look cluttered or overwhelming
  • Always use high-quality images (more tips in our guide to newsletter images)
  • Make sure your branding and logo is still easily recognized amid all the other design elements
  • Highlight CTA buttons with colors that stand out


  • Use images that are too large or too small as these can cause email deliverability issues
  • Forget to check that the content renders correctly on different devices and email clients (send a test email campaign to yourself beforehand) 
  • Clutter your email with too many CTAs that confuse your customers

Design an engaging Father’s Day email template

If you’re a beginner email marketer, a drag-and-drop email builder is your best bet for headache-free email design. Drag and drop the content blocks you want onto the email body. Or simply customize an email template to speed things up. No coding required.

Here’s a ready template by Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) you can use for free — just add your branding and content, and send! It’s perfectly optimized for mobile.

Father's day email template by Brevo (ex Sendinblue)

Design emails for free with Brevo (ex Sendinblue)

Free plan includes access to the drag and drop editor, 40+ email templates, and 300 emails a day. Sign up completely free, no credit card required.

Open my free Brevo account now >>

Pro Tip: Be considerate and offer an opt-out of Father’s Day emails

It’s important to recognize that for some people, Father’s Day can be emotionally triggering. In 2021 we saw brands like Etsy and Pandora give their subscribers the option to opt out of Mother’s Day emails.  

If you’d like to take the same approach for Father’s Day, this can be easily set up with Brevo. Simply add an ‘I don’t want to receive Father’s Day emails’ option on an Update Profile form

The Update Profile feature gives existing subscribers a chance to update their information and email preferences.

Create a custom ‘Father’s Day opt-out’ attribute and add the option to an Update Profile form. Include a link to the form in the footer of your emails and simply exclude the opt-out subscribers from your Father’s Day campaign.   

Plan your Father’s Day email campaign 

Now that you’ve got the know-how and our top insider tips, you should be ready to start preparing and sending your Father’s Day campaigns.

Looking for more opportunities to boost sales with holiday emails?

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