Brevo (ex Sendinblue) All Your Digital Marketing Tools in One Place Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:06:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Brevo (ex Sendinblue) 32 32 Best Time to Send an Email: Day, Hour, Industry [Data Study] Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:07:00 +0000 One of the most common questions email marketers ask themselves is, “When is the best time to send an email campaign?” Ask this question to three different marketers, and you’ll probably get three different answers. Unfortunately, that’s not very helpful when you’re looking to boost engagement for your email marketing campaigns. Factors like time zones, […]

The post Best Time to Send an Email: Day, Hour, Industry [Data Study] appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

One of the most common questions email marketers ask themselves is, “When is the best time to send an email campaign?”

Ask this question to three different marketers, and you’ll probably get three different answers. Unfortunately, that’s not very helpful when you’re looking to boost engagement for your email marketing campaigns.

Factors like time zones, whether it’s a work day or not, as well as the demographics and preferences of your target audience all affect a campaign’s open rate. (Not to mention the content of your email campaign itself!) 

At the end of the day, trying to consider every contact’s personal schedule, work hours, lunchtime, and everything in between can be overwhelming.

Here at Brevo, we wanted to be able to give our customers a more precise answer to help you boost email engagement and drive conversions. When really is the best time to send an email blast? Thankfully, we had tons of user data just waiting to be analyzed!

To better answer the question “When is the best time to send an email?” We broke things down based on these six types of businesses:

Business Type Best Day to Send an Email Campaign Best Time to Send an Email Campaign
Ecommerce Tuesday or Thursday 10:00 AM
Software/SaaS Tuesday or Thursday 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Marketing Services Wednesday 4:00 PM
Offline Retail/Hospitality Thursday 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Professional Services (B2B) Monday or Tuesday 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
NGOs (Nonprofits) Tuesday or Thursday 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Overall Tuesday or Thursday 10:00 AM or 3:00 PM

Here is a deeper look at some of the insights we gained after looking at email engagement for our users:

To give you an idea of how this article is structured, there are two main sections. The first section looks at the best time to send emails across industries. The second section dives deeper and analyzes differences between industries.

Within each section, we address the best day of the week as well as the best time of day to send email blasts

Overview: Best time to send email campaigns

Let’s start with an overview of our methods and findings. Here are the performance metrics we looked at in the study:

  • Open rate: the number of emails that were opened divided by the total number of emails sent. For example, if 5,000 of 50,000 emails sent were opened, the open rate would be 10%.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): the number of clicks divided by the total number of emails sent. For example, if 2,500 of 50,000 emails sent were clicked through, the click-through rate would be 5%.
  • % Open volume: a percentage of the overall number of email opens sent during a specific period. For example, 20% open volume for Tuesday means that 20% of the total number of emails opened in a week came from emails sent on Tuesday
  • % Click volume: a percentage of the overall volume of clicks from emails sent during a specific period. For example, 8% click volume for Thursday means that 8% of the total number of clicks-throughs in a week came from emails sent on Thursday

You’re likely more familiar with the first two metrics than the latter two. When trying to answer the question, “When is the best time to send an email blast?” percentage open volume and percentage click volume become extra helpful. 

Whereas open rate and click-through rate can help us understand how a single email marketing campaign performs on its own, the latter two metrics allow us to compare engagement across multiple email blasts.

Overall email engagement by day of the week


  • Across industries, emails sent on Tuesday and Thursday accounted for the greatest share of opens. 
  • Emails sent on Wednesdays had the most click-throughs.
A graph that shows the best time to send an email by the best day of the week for email marketing.

Unsurprisingly, weekdays tend to have the most engagement, comprising over 85% of the total weekly open volume and nearly 95% of the weekly click volume.

More specifically, emails sent on Tuesdays and Thursdays accounted for the greatest share of opens.

However, emails sent on Tuesday and Wednesday saw the greatest share of click-throughs. While we would expect more opens to lead to more clicks, this clearly isn’t always the case. 

Let’s try to make sense of this. People on Mondays are often time-strapped and playing catch-up after the weekend. Tuesday for many people may feel like the first real day of the week.

We see that as the week goes on, people continue opening emails, but the volume of clicks trails off significantly, likely indicative of the fatigue brought on by the work week.

Overall email engagement by time of the day

Takeaways: Across industries, the two best times to send an email are: 10:00 AM and 3:30 PM.

A graph that shows the best time of the day to send an email. There is a peak at 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM.

Next, we took a look at our data on an hourly basis, revealing some interesting email engagement trends.

We found two “best times” to send an email campaign on any given day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Opens and clicks both peaked at 10:00 AM. In the afternoon, opens peaked at 3:00 PM and click-throughs peaked at 4:00 PM. 

Let’s think about why these times see the highest open rates and click-through rates.

  • People typically check their email not long after getting to work. Once they’ve responded to their more time-sensitive messages, they often start perusing the various email newsletters and promotional content they’ve received. 
  • The afternoon peak we see between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM is likely when people are checking their emails again after lunch or towards the end of the day before they leave.

You’ll also notice that click volume remains high through 6:00 PM, and even 7:00 PM to a lesser extent. As people’s focus starts to dwindle near the end of the day, they turn toward distractions like their inbox. And once work is finished, it’s not uncommon for people to check their email on the way home.

So in general, we can say that email open rates and click-through rates have both morning and afternoon peaks. But once you take a look at the data for different types of businesses, more email engagement trends come to light. Let’s take a look:

Email timing by business type

To get a better idea of the best send time for different types of businesses, we looked at how different industries either matched or differed from the above overall trend.

This made it easier to visualize the results and understand email engagement behavior a bit more specifically. Let’s take a look at the trends for the best days of the week and times of day across different industries:

Best day of the week to send an email blast

Ecommerce, Saas, and NGOs


  • For ecommerce, SaaS, and NGOs, emails sent on Tuesdays and Thursdays had the highest open rates. 
  • Emails sent on Wednesdays had the highest click-through rates.

Graph showing the percentage of weekly email open volume per day for ecommerce, SaaS, and NGO industries.

Ecommerce, SaaS companies, and NGOs closely matched the trend we discussed above — that emails sent on Tuesdays and Thursdays account for the greatest portion of weekly opened emails.

All three of these industries have spikes in the open volume on Tuesday and Thursday. But, if you look at the click volume graph below, you’ll see that the largest amount of clicks by far takes place on Wednesday.

Graph showing the percentage of weekly email click volume per day for ecommerce, SaaS, and NGO industries.

Again, we didn’t expect to see such a difference between the open and click trends. It just goes to show that opens don’t always equate to more meaningful engagement.

But, there are several logical explanations for why you might see stronger engagement in these industries closer to the beginning of the week:

  • Ecommerce:  People want to get their shopping done early in the week so that it gets delivered in time for the weekend. (Some might also just be looking for a distraction at work because they’re still wishing it was the weekend.)
  • SaaS: SaaS companies mostly send newsletters with content related to their product’s functionality. Since readers most likely use these tools for work, it makes sense that they would want to read related content during the week.
  • NGOs: NGOs and nonprofits are usually driven by a cause. This means that their audiences have high motivation already, so that post-weekend refreshed feeling might just be that extra kick that people need to read about their cause.

Want to learn more about email marketing in these industries? Check out these articles:

Best time to send an email for marketing services, offline retail, and B2B:


  • For B2Bs, emails sent on Mondays and Tuesdays had the most opens. 
  • For marketing services, emails sent on Wednesdays had the most opens. 
  • For offline retailers, emails sent on Thursdays had the most opens.
  • For all these industries, emails sent on Wednesdays had the most click-throughs.

Graph showing the percentage of weekly email open volume per day for marketing services, offline retail, and B2B industries.

Marketing services (agencies), offline retail businesses, and other B2B companies had more unique engagement patterns than the business types we looked at above.

The most interesting of these three is probably B2B. As you can see, there is a surge of opens at the beginning of the week, with the highest number of opens on Monday and Tuesday. The engagement drops sharply after that.

For offline retailers, opens were fairly even throughout the week. The volume gradually increases day to day, with the most amount of emails opened on Thursday and Friday.

Marketing services saw its peak midweek on Wednesday, with well-below-average numbers on Monday and Tuesday.

Graph showing the percentage of weekly email click volume per day for marketing services, offline retail, and B2B industries.

Despite showing different trends when it came to open rates, these three business types seem to have stuck to the trend when it comes to click-through rates.

Most surprising was the click distribution for B2B, which almost exactly traced the overall trend line. This was a stark contrast from its unique distribution of open volume over the week.

Although these deviations from the overall trend seem strange, we thought of a few reasons why they might make sense:

  • Marketing services: Out of the three industries that were far from the overall figures, marketing services was still the closest. It’s likely that these emails simply follow a similar pattern to the SaaS companies — people want to read content that is relevant to their job during the week.
  • Offline Retail: The pattern of opens for offline retail likely corresponds to the email subscriber’s intent. Most people wait to go shopping until the weekend, so they might be waiting until the end of the week to read them.

Best time to send email blasts

When we broke things down by time of day, we saw slightly more consistency across industries as well as between opens and clicks.

SaaS, offline retail, and B2B:


  • For SaaS companies 
    • Emails sent at 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM accounted for the greatest share of opens.
    • Emails sent at 2:00 PM accounted for the greatest share of click-throughs.
  • For offline retailers 
    • Emails sent at 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM accounted for the greatest share of opens.
    • Emails sent at 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM accounted for the greatest share of click-throughs.
  • For B2Bs
    • Emails sent between 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM accounted for the greatest share of opens.
    • Emails sent at 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM accounted for the greatest share of click-throughs.

Graph showing the percentage of daily open volume for SaaS, offline retail, and B2B industries.

As you may recall, the overall engagement trend saw two peaks, one in the morning around 10:00 AM and the other in the afternoon around 3:00 PM.

SaaS, offline retail, and B2B businesses all followed a relatively similar trend. All three showed about 75% of the open volume taking place during business hours and 2 peaks located in the morning and early afternoon. 

One slight difference to be aware of is that B2Bs and offline retail had spikes occurring slightly earlier than the overall peak, around 8:00 AM.

Graph showing the percentage of daily click volume for SaaS, offline retail, and B2B industries.

As you can see in the above graph, SaaS has a major spike in clicks at 2:00 PM, accounting for about 20% of the total daily click volume. It’s hard to say what caused this specifically, but it could likely be due to the workflow of recipients throughout the day, and the fact that they might have more time in the afternoon to look through emails.

Ecommerce, NGOs, and marketing services:


  • For ecommerce businesses 
    • Emails sent at 7:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 5:00 PM accounted for the greatest share of opens.
    • Emails sent at 6:00 PM accounted for the greatest share of click-throughs.
  • For marketing services
    • Emails sent at 4:00 PM accounted for the greatest share of opens.
    • Emails sent at 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM accounted for the greatest share of click-throughs.
  • For NGOs
    • Emails sent at 9:00 AM and at 3:00 PM accounted for the greatest share of opens.
    • Emails sent at 4:00 PM accounted for the greatest share of click-throughs.

Graph showing the percentage of daily open volume for ecommerce, marketing service, and NGO industries.

Although ecommerce, marketing services, and NGOs all had figures that were farther from the overall engagement distribution, they still followed a similar pattern of peaks and valleys. These businesses just had more extreme numbers.

Marketing services had the most unique trend, with low levels of engagement in the morning building up to a single peak at 4:00 in the afternoon. It also had a significant lift later in the evening.

Graph showing the percentage of daily click volume for ecommerce, marketing service, and NGO industries.

Clicks were a different story. All three of these businesses had a single maximum that spiked in the late afternoon from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Quite the difference from the overall click volume results which had two clear peaks.

Other considerations about the best time to send email marketing content

So far, we’ve paid a lot of attention to open and click rates as metrics for the best time to send an email blast. Of course, these are helpful ways to measure, but the time and day you send an email aren’t the only factors affecting your open and click-through rates. 

Create high-quality email campaigns

The best email campaigns out there use high-quality content as a starting point, providing their subscribers with value in every email. Once you’ve optimized your copy, design, and crafted the perfect email subject line (this is especially important for high open rates), you can start paying more attention to the timing of your emails.

Focus on details such as:

  • Compelling subject lines
  • Effective email design
  • Well-thought-out email copy

Fine-tuning these practices will help your content perform better. 

Brevo makes it easy to design stunning emails with email templates and an HTML editor. Import your brand assets and create branded content in minutes. 

Freshen up your copy with Brevo’s AI assistant. Generate compelling subject lines and boost your open rates. Learn more here.

A/B test your campaigns

A/B tests will help you polish your content strategy. 

Send pairs of emails to two different recipient groups to see which email gets the best response. Send emails with a different design, tone of voice, send time, and even subject line. 

Start with one detail at a time and keep track of the results so that your next campaign is always better than your last. 

Keep track of key metrics such as:

  • Open rates
  • Bounce rates
  • Click-through rates
  • Unsubscribe rates

Segment with email lists

Once you start getting feedback from your subscribers, create segments or specific groups of email contacts. Group them by behavior (for example if they opened your last campaign or not) and attributes (location) in order to send them emails that are relevant to increase engagement. 

Learn more about creating relevant campaigns with these customer segmentation examples

Use send-time optimization to find your perfect send time

With Brevo’s send-time optimization feature, you can be sure your email will land in subscribers’ inboxes at the perfect time. Our software determines the best send time for every contact on your email list based on their previous engagement patterns.

The best part? Email automation takes care of all the heavy lifting — all you have to do is click a button.

Read more: Stay on top of your email marketing performance with key metrics and industry benchmarks from our article on Email Marketing Benchmarks.

Best time to send an email: Takeaways

What have we learned?

  • The optimal time to send an email will depend on what type of business you have
  • Over 85% of opened marketing emails were sent on weekdays
  • Over 90% of marketing emails that received clicks were sent on weekdays
  • In general, the best days to send email campaigns is in the middle of the week between Tuesday and Thursday
  • Email engagement is generally best for emails sent in the morning at 10:00 AM or mid-afternoon at around 3:30 PM
  • The worst days to send marketing emails are Saturday and Sunday

In conclusion, it’s important to remember that finding the best time to send an email is just one part of your overall email marketing strategy. After the data-driven recommendations above, the best advice we can give you is to experiment and see what works best for your target audience. 

Getting higher open rates, more click-throughs, and ultimately increasing your conversion rates is a long-term process. Knowing the best time to send an email is part of this process, but don’t expect that to be the only factor.

To take your email marketing to the next level, try Brevo. Our all-in-one marketing platform is perfect for creating and sending promotional emails, email newsletters, and most other types of business emails. And if you’re looking for more than just email marketing, we’ve got you covered! Brevo offers a CRM, SMS and WhatsApp marketing, live chat, and transactional email features all under one roof.

Jumpstart your email marketing strategy with Brevo

Free plan includes access to all core email features, 300 emails/day, 40+ email templates, and customizable signup forms to grow your email list.

Open my free Brevo account now >>

The post Best Time to Send an Email: Day, Hour, Industry [Data Study] appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

11 Black Friday Email Examples to Grow Your Business Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:50:00 +0000 Black Friday is just around the corner. Time to make major sales! This year, ramp up your Black Friday marketing strategy and send Black Friday emails that convert. Here’s how. Black Friday marks the start of the holiday shopping season. For both ecommerce and small businesses, Black Friday is a huge sales driver.  Retail sales […]

The post 11 Black Friday Email Examples to Grow Your Business appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

Black Friday is just around the corner. Time to make major sales! This year, ramp up your Black Friday marketing strategy and send Black Friday emails that convert. Here’s how.

Black Friday marks the start of the holiday shopping season. For both ecommerce and small businesses, Black Friday is a huge sales driver. 

Retail sales for in-store and online shopping for Black Friday increased 12% from 2021 to 2022, reaching new records. Competition for Black Friday customers is fiercer than ever. This season, capture some of the Black Friday spending with a killer Black Friday email campaign.

Start sending Black Friday emails that boost open rates and drive sales. We’ve gathered the best Black Friday email examples to inspire your Black Friday email strategy.

How do you write Black Friday emails?

Black Friday email marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, great Black Friday emails need just two ingredients:

Sense of urgency: Black Friday deals only come once a year. Play on your customers’ fear of missing out (FOMO) with irresistible sales and limited-time offers.

Clear email copy that fits your brand: Most customers expect businesses to offer Black Friday deals. Your campaign should be specific. Be sure to say 1) what your Black Friday offer is and 2) when it will take place.
Not sure where to start? In this article, we’ve gathered a few of the best Black Friday email examples to inspire your campaigns.

Black Friday email examples and tips that boost sales

Get inspired for your Black Friday email marketing campaign with these examples and tips.

Write a top-notch Black Friday email subject line

You only have a few seconds to grab the reader’s attention. Stand out from the flood of holiday emails with eye-catching Black Friday email subject lines.

Entice customers with the mention of “sales,” “free shipping,” and markdowns. Optimize your subject line to add to the sense of urgency with phrases like “won’t last” and “ends at midnight.”

Add email personalization to the subject line. This will encourage subscribers to click on your Black Friday campaign. (“Jane, get these Black Friday deals while they last!”) 

Emojis in email also encourage open rates so long as it’s not excessive, so don’t forget to include them in your Black Friday email subject lines too.

Use a simple Black Friday email design

Make your campaign stand out with a Black Friday email design. Your visuals shouldn’t be over the top. A simple Black Friday email template will call focus on key pieces of information.

Email marketing services make it easy to design beautiful campaigns your customers will love. With Brevo’s drag-and-drop editor, you can build holiday email marketing campaigns in minutes.

When it comes to Black Friday, less is more. Many brands opt for a clean all-black or black-and-white email design in honor of Black Friday. 

This minimalist Black Friday email design from Herschel is a great example:

Minimalist Black Friday email example by Herschel


Ultimately the design is up to you, so if simple isn’t part of your brand identity, no need to make it minimal.  

It’s still important however to make your call-to-action button (CTA) stand out. And don’t forget an unsubscribe button for legal compliance (don’t worry, Brevo includes this for you automatically in its email templates).

Build excitement with a Black Friday countdown

Nothing builds excitement more than a countdown timer. In the days leading up to Black Friday weekend, send emails with a countdown. This creates a sense of urgency and plays on your customers’ FOMO.

Check out this Black Friday email example from Skyscanner for inspiration:

A Black Friday email countdown for travel by Skyscanner.


Showcase your products and deals

This holiday season, let your products and Black Friday deals take center stage. Tell your email subscribers exactly what they can expect from your Black Friday sale. 

Follow email design best practices to get the most out of your Black Friday campaign. If you have a huge markdown, write it in bold font. Drive conversions with high-quality images of your products and a clear call to action. 

This Black Friday email design from Aesop is a perfect example:

Black Friday email example by Aesop with product information


Run an alternative campaign

Black Friday is an important sales event. It’s also an opportunity to make your business stand out from the pack. Go beyond your average, run-of-the-mill Black Friday shopping. Run an alternative Black Friday campaign to raise brand awareness.

On Black Friday, REI reaches customers with their annual #optoutside campaign. Their Black Friday messaging shifts from buying REI’s products to enjoying nature. This fits with their brand mission and engages customers on a personal level.

#optoutside Black Friday newsletter by REI. This is a Black Friday email example.

Offer a free gift

Go beyond Black Friday sales by offering your customers a free gift. This will entice customers who can’t be swayed by flashy discount codes. After all, who doesn’t appreciate a freebie?

Throw in a complimentary item when customers buy a particular product. Or, let them know your Black Friday drink is on you. In your Black Friday email campaign, be sure to clearly explain how customers can claim their free gift.

In this Black Friday email example, Carbonmade offers their subscribers two months of their Pro plan for free.

a Black Friday email by a makeup company that shows a purple present and the words "something just for you" as part of their marketing.


Run a limited-quantity sale

Let your subscribers know you’re having a Black Friday sale on your most popular products — but only for the first 100 sold. This is bound to create a sense of urgency for your fans.

A marketing Black Friday email by iKokha for a deal on the first 100 items sold.


Treat your subscribers to a VIP access sale

Your subscribers are already in the club, so reward them for it! Invite them to an exclusive early-access sale and send them a promo for your online store.

A Black Friday email by Pioneer. This email says "Members only sale" and shows a pair of tennis shoes and a pouch on a wooden floor. This is a marketing email.


Pioneer takes the extra step to announce their member-only sale in advance in this Black Friday mailer. 

Their marketing message here makes subscribers feel like royalty by calling their coupon a “personal discount code”. Use email copy that resonates with your audience for more engaging emails.

Bring out the brand identity

Your subscribers follow your brand because they liked what they saw. So let your brand voice shine on Black Friday (and every day). 

This Black Friday email by Bottle Rocket Hot Sauce Co. is unforgivably true to its brand identity. From the email copy to the CTA button, this marketing message couldn’t be more authentic. 
Subject line: all sauces are $6.90 each today

A Black Friday email campaign for marketing by Bottle Rocket Hot Sauce co. This email says "just read the email subject line, happy capitalism day, love you. Press this button for sauce".


Run a giveaway

On Black Friday, consider running a giveaway. Like complimentary gifts, everyone loves a chance to win a free goodie.

Let customers know what kind of prizes you’re offering. For example, this Black Friday giveaway from Huckleberry gives email subscribers the chance to win a Casper mattress.

A Black Friday email by Huckberry shows a man lying on a mattress that says "win this".


Create excitement with a randomized discount 

Add some fun to your Black Friday email campaign with a randomized discount or prize. Use attention-grabbing gifs in email to make it even more engaging.

This Black Friday email example uses an eye-catching scratch card design. The animated gifs call attention to Forever 21’s Black Friday discounts:

Forever 21 Black Friday sale email using a gif


Give back

Shoppers are growing more conscious of their purchases. This Black Friday, help your customers spread some good. Consider donating a portion of your Black Friday proceeds to an important cause.

In this example, Italic announced they will donate 10 trees for every Black Friday order to help offset retailers’ environmental impact:

Black Friday email campaign by Italic promoting their environmental actions and free shipping


How do you announce Black Friday sales?

When it comes to announcing Black Friday sales, it’s important to strike the right balance. You don’t want to come across as spam. At the same time, you want to make sure customers don’t miss out on your Black Friday deals.

Typically a Black Friday email marketing sequence includes at least three emails: teaser, launch, and last chance.

1. Teaser email

Your Black Friday teaser email should build anticipation for your Black Friday sale. Give customers information. Let them know what kinds of deals to expect and when the sale will take place.



2. Launch email

Tell customers when your Black Friday sale is live. Let them know how they can take advantage of it. Highlight your best Black Friday offers. And don’t forget to include a clear CTA!



3. Last chance email

Right before your Black Friday sale ends, let customers know they can still get in on the deals. This creates a sense of urgency. It might also catch those who missed your previous emails.

a Black Friday email by Bose ecommerce store showing a black background and a speaker. There are customer reviews next to it and a cta button that says "shop now".


When should you send Black Friday emails?

Send your first email on Friday, November 17th, one week before Black Friday. 

Follow up with a second email to announce the start of your Black Friday sale on the morning of November 24th. 

In the final hours of Black Friday, send a last-chance email to encourage customers to make a purchase. If you decide to extend your Black Friday sale, a fourth email the next day is appropriate.

How many emails to send during Black Friday? 

It is standard to send two Black Friday sale emails on the day itself. One email to announce the start of the sale, and a second to let customers know the offer is almost over. 

However, not every business needs to follow this exact rule. It depends on your goals for your Black Friday campaign and your relationship with your audience. In the REI example from earlier, one email was enough (and was also the whole campaign).

Here’s a suggested Black Friday email marketing sequence for sales and special offers:

  • Email 1: One week before — Black Friday teaser
  • Email 2: Sale launch — Black Friday sale announcement
  • Email 3: Final hours — Last chance reminder
  • Email 4 (optional): One day after — Extended Black Friday sale announcement

Email automation allows you to plan your Black Friday emails in advance. With Brevo, automate your Black Friday email marketing campaigns to save valuable time and effort.

Create your Black Friday email today

Brevo’s free plan includes access to 40+ email templates, 300 free email sends/day, and signup forms to grow your contact list.

Open my free Brevo account now >>

The post 11 Black Friday Email Examples to Grow Your Business appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

15 Unique Black Friday Marketing Strategies to Beat the Competition Fri, 11 Aug 2023 11:20:00 +0000 Black Friday is coming up and competition will be hotter than ever! Make your business stand out with a top-notch Black Friday marketing strategy.  Black Friday is the start of the holiday shopping season. For both ecommerce and small businesses, Black Friday is a major sales opportunity. In 2022, online Black Friday shopping increased 2.3% […]

The post 15 Unique Black Friday Marketing Strategies to Beat the Competition appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

Black Friday is coming up and competition will be hotter than ever! Make your business stand out with a top-notch Black Friday marketing strategy. 

Black Friday is the start of the holiday shopping season. For both ecommerce and small businesses, Black Friday is a major sales opportunity. In 2022, online Black Friday shopping increased 2.3% from 2021, totaling $9.12 billion in sales.

Stand out from your competitors with a winning Black Friday marketing strategy. Reach customers with Black Friday emails and social media campaigns. Entice holiday shoppers with irresistible offers.We’ve put together a list of Black Friday marketing ideas to get you started for in-store and online retailers alike.

What is Black Friday marketing?

Black Friday marketing is how businesses promote Black Friday deals. This usually involves social media promotion, limited-time sales, and digital marketing campaigns.

Black Friday falls on the day after Thanksgiving. Don’t forget to mark your calendars —  Black Friday is November 24, 2023.

Competition for holiday shoppers is stronger than ever before. Plan a Black Friday marketing strategy your audience will love and increase those conversion rates. Here are a few Black Friday promotion ideas to inspire your campaigns.

15 Black Friday marketing strategies that boost sales

Here are the best Black Friday marketing examples and ideas to help your campaigns stand out from the competition.

1. Launch Black Friday marketing campaigns early

Don’t let your campaigns get lost in the Black Friday rush. Be sure to start your Black Friday marketing early.

Share Black Friday teasers on social media or in your email marketing campaigns. Offer early access to deals. Or, run early-bird Black Friday offers for everyone! 

Build anticipation for your Black Friday deals well before the big day. This creates a sense of urgency early on. Customers are also less likely to miss out on your Black Friday sales.

For instance, this Black Friday marketing email from Kay Jewelers promotes their early access sale:

Black Friday marketing email for a Flash sale by Kay Jewelers. It shows silver and gold necklaces and says "20-50% off everything".


2. Share Black Friday sneak peeks

Black Friday marketing is competitive, so don’t hesitate to give sneak peeks of your upcoming deals. Tell customers exactly what they can expect from your Black Friday offers

Send teasers for discounts on your most popular items. Get your customers excited about major markdowns.

This Black Friday marketing email from Google Store is a great example.

Black Friday marketing idea by Google for a sale preview.


3. Grow your Black Friday email marketing list

When it comes to Black Friday marketing, your email list is one of the most important tools in your arsenal. Use it to target the customers who are most interested in your Black Friday promotions. Marketing tools like Brevo make email list building easy.

Start by making a special Black Friday email marketing list and create an email signup form weeks ahead of your Black Friday sale.

Place the form strategically on your website, such as a popup on your homepage. You can even create a landing page dedicated to your Black Friday offer. Adding a compelling call to action like the one below can convert signups into new customers.  

For inspiration, this Black Friday popup from Wodbottom is a perfect example:

A Black Friday marketing campaign by Wodbottom offering a 75% off coupon. There is a black background with the logo t the left and a signup form to the early access sale on the right.


4. Promote Black Friday deals on social media

Social media marketing is a great way to spread the word about your Black Friday deals. Run Facebook ads. Promote sale items on Instagram and Tiktok. Don’t forget to add Black Friday hashtags to broaden your reach.

Consider partnering with social media influencers. Influencers have a deep bond with their followers. They can help you promote your Black Friday deals to a wider audience.

Social media is also a great way to drive online sales. Customers can now shop directly on social media platforms (Instagram Shopping, Facebook Shops). For ecommerce stores, shoppable posts could be a game changer.

A social media Black Friday marketing campaign shows different jeans and shoes in small boxes with discounts next to each one.


5. Use SMS marketing

Reach potential customers directly on their phones. SMS marketing can make a huge difference for your Black Friday marketing campaigns. 

This is because SMS campaigns have high open rates and near-instant opening times. In fact, most texts are read within three minutes after delivery

Use SMS to remind customers about Black Friday promos and share discount codes. Send targeted Black Friday texts in addition to social media marketing and email campaigns. 

SMS is a fast and direct way to engage customers during the busy holiday season. Consider using this channel in your Black Friday marketing strategy.

Related: WhatsApp Marketing: Definition, Tips, and Examples

6. Personalize your Black Friday marketing campaigns

Add a touch of personalization to your Black Friday marketing campaigns. This is one of the best ways to engage customers. Personalization also boosts open rates and helps your campaigns stand out!

Grab your subscribers’ attention by putting first names in your Black Friday email subject lines. Target different customer groups using segmentation.

Marketing tools like Brevo let you group your contact lists and send tailored content. This way, you’re sure to send the right message to the right people at the right time.

7. Engage Black Friday shoppers with QR codes

QR codes are a great way to enrich the Black Friday shopping experience. Consider adding them to your Black Friday marketing strategy. 

Use QR codes to connect online and offline spaces. Place QR codes around your physical store to direct customers to your online shop. 

QR codes can also help you engage customers with added benefits. Ask customers to scan a QR code to sign up for your Black Friday giveaways. Send digital QR codes to make it easy to redeem Black Friday gift cards.

For lead generation, QR codes can be handy. Link QR codes to a signup form for your Black Friday email list. With Brevo, it’s easy to create and share QR codes with your customers

A Black Friday marketing idea is to use a QR code. This image shows a QR code.

8. Offer free shipping and spending rewards

This Black Friday, go beyond the usual, run-of-the-mill discounts. Attract customers with irresistible benefits like free shipping. 

Free shipping is one of the best ways to promote your business during Black Friday. Offer it for a limited time. Or, give your customers free shipping as a spending reward (such as free shipping for purchases over $100).

Use free shipping to boost Black Friday sales — your customers will thank you for the extra savings!

A Black Friday marketing email with a black background and a blue to pink gradient stripe across the center. The words "15% off + free shipping on orders of $89+" is written on top of the gradient stripe in white.


9. Reduce abandoned carts

Online shopping is a huge boon for Black Friday sales. However, customers often add items to their online shopping carts and leave the online store without making a purchase. 

This Black Friday, reduce cart abandonment and drive sales. Retarget these customers with abandoned cart emails

Email automation software allows you to automate abandoned cart email campaigns, saving you valuable time and effort. Try Brevo for free to start sending abandoned cart notifications and other automated emails.

10. Entice customers with a loyalty program

Turn your Black Friday shoppers into loyal customers. Launch a loyalty program (punch cards, referral incentives) to keep their business year-round.

Offer exclusive discounts and free gifts for every dollar they spend. This will encourage them to keep shopping. A loyalty program will also help you engage customers even after the holiday sales end.

Loyalty programs go beyond discounts. They allow you to create a deeper, more personalized bond with your customers. They’re also a great Black Friday idea for small businesses.

11. Share a Black Friday gift guide

Many customers take advantage of Black Friday savings to start shopping for holiday presents. Entice them in your Black Friday marketing campaigns with a special gift guide.

Showcase your most popular products and biggest markdowns. Black Friday gift guides are a great way to make your offers shine.

This Black Friday email from TeePublic is the perfect example:

A colorful Black Friday marketing campaign shows an orange banner with a countdown for the deal. There is a girl holding a tshirt with the words "35% off" printed next to the shirt.


12. Run last-chance or extended Black Friday deals

The long Black Friday weekend doesn’t have to end with Cyber Monday sales. Don’t forget to appeal to latecomers in your Black Friday marketing campaigns.

Create a sense of urgency with last-chance discounts. Delight your customers with extended Black Friday sales.

Be sure to promote your late Black Friday deals on multiple marketing channels. That way, your customers won’t miss out!

This last-chance Black Friday email marketing campaign from Green Chef adds extra urgency with a countdown timer:

A black Friday marketing poster that shows $130 off plus free shipping. Below that there is a button that says "activate now".


Further reading: Holiday Marketing Guide: How to Make Your Campaigns Shine

13. Run a store credit Black Friday marketing campaign

Instead of discounting your products, give your customers bonus credit to spend on more things they’ll love from your store.

Offering store credit encourages the cross-selling of other products. Your customers will be delighted at a chance to get something more, for less. 

A Black Friday marketing idea shows a promotion for getting in-store credit when purchasing a bicycle. There is a bicycle with a call to action button that says "buy now". Below that is says "up to $500 in store credit".

14. Upsell your products

Black Friday is your chance to sell more to customers by rewarding larger shopping carts. Take a look at this marketing campaign by Surreal.  

A Black Friday marketing idea by Surreal, a cereal brand, shows a bright teal background with cereal and milk pouring down it. There are deals written down the spilling milk for 20% off one case of cereal, 25% off 2 cases, and 30% off 3 cases of cereal. There is a black CTA button that says "shop black Friday".

Surreal encourages customers to bring home more boxes of cereal by offering discounts. The larger the order value, the bigger the discount. 

Other upselling strategies include:

  • Free shipping over a certain price
  • Discounts on year-long subscriptions
  • Bundles with complementary products (this is also cross-selling)
  • Buy two get one free

15. Hold a Black Friday contest

Build a Black Friday strategy around your community with a contest. Give away prizes to keep it interesting and make your Black Friday campaign the center of attention this year. 

Check out this contest announcement by AppSumo:

A Black Friday marketing idea is to run a contest. This image shows a Black Friday prize pool fund with a countdown to enter. under the countdown there is a yellow CTA button with the words "feature your product". Below that is an image of artists and creators. This is a contest for digital artists to win a cash prize for Black Friday.

The best part about this Black Friday strategy is that it brings value to the community. Subscribers have a chance to gain exposure on top of a cash prize. 

Spread the word about your Black Friday contest with promotional emails or Black Friday social media posts. Your contest can be entirely digital, or an in-store event.

Planning your Black Friday marketing campaigns

Any retailer can benefit from Black Friday, whether you’re a brick-and-mortar store or ecommerce business. Get the most out of this major sales event with a winning Black Friday marketing strategy.

With Brevo, it’s never been easier to plan your Black Friday marketing campaigns. Create stunning promotional emails with Brevo’s email templates, send out your offer, and track your results.

Launch your Black Friday marketing campaign with Brevo

Free plan includes all core email features, unlimited contacts, live chat, and CRM.

Open my free Brevo account now >>

The post 15 Unique Black Friday Marketing Strategies to Beat the Competition appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

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Holiday Marketing Guide: Examples & Ideas to Stand Out This Season Wed, 09 Aug 2023 11:47:00 +0000 The holiday shopping season is a great time to connect with customers, drive sales, and raise brand awareness. With many companies vying for holiday shoppers’ attention, it’s important to stand out. Rise above the noise with these holiday marketing tips, ideas, and strategies.  Read on to find out more. What are the benefits of holiday […]

The post Holiday Marketing Guide: Examples & Ideas to Stand Out This Season appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

The holiday shopping season is a great time to connect with customers, drive sales, and raise brand awareness. With many companies vying for holiday shoppers’ attention, it’s important to stand out. Rise above the noise with these holiday marketing tips, ideas, and strategies. 

Read on to find out more.

What are the benefits of holiday marketing?

The holiday shopping season is the perfect time to connect with customers. Come up with a holiday marketing strategy to delight your customers and develop lasting relationships.

Here’s why holiday marketing matters:

  • Higher demand: People shop more during the holiday season than the rest of the year.
  • Increased urgency: Holidays come once a year. Limited-time holiday promotions carry a sense of urgency, making customers more likely to buy. 
  • Holiday spirit: From Thanksgiving to Christmas, this time of the year is full of positivity. Capitalize on these festive feelings in your holiday marketing campaigns.

What should you expect during the 2023 holiday season?

Here are a few trends to keep in mind when planning your holiday marketing goals:

  • Rise of ecommerce: Ecommerce sales are expected to grow 9.3%, reaching $1.137 trillion in 2023.
  • Focus on omnichannel marketing: With the shift to ecommerce, balancing online and in-store holiday shopping experiences is important.
  • More social media communication: More brands use social media to communicate directly with customers and answer FAQs.

Further reading: What is ecommerce marketing? 10 strategies to get started

How do you begin marketing for the holidays?

To create a holiday marketing strategy that gets results, follow these essential steps when planning your holiday marketing advertising. 

Plan your holiday marketing campaigns ahead of time. Plan your strategy and timeline in advance to reap the best results.

Decide which holidays to focus on. Here are a few key dates to keep in mind for the 2023 holiday season:

Pick a campaign theme. To run a successful holiday marketing campaign, you’ll need a central theme. Decide on a message that makes sense for your campaign goals and brand identity.

Define your target audience. Decide on the audience you want to reach with your holiday campaign. Your target audience will shape your marketing channels and holiday offer.

Choose your marketing channels. This will depend on your campaign goals and target audience. Are they on social media? Do they prefer desktop or mobile devices? Often, you’ll need a strong omnichannel strategy to reach your full audience. 

Further reading: Black Friday marketing strategies to beat the competition

Best holiday marketing ideas and tips

Promote irresistible holiday offers

Your holiday marketing strategy should focus on an irresistible holiday offer. Run holiday sales with unbeatable savings. You’ll catch the eye of holiday shoppers and entice customers to come back again and again. 

Holiday marketing ideas for Black Friday. This idea shows an email with 40% off glasses.


Your holiday offers don’t always need to be as extravagant as a Black Friday offer. Encourage customers with methods that don’t slash your prices.

  1. Offer free holiday shipping and returns 
  2. Run a limited-time sale
  3. Include a free gift with a purchase over your average cart price
  4. Give customers store credit for every $10 spent, only redeemable through the holidays


Personalize your holiday marketing campaigns

Target customers by interest or past purchases. With customer relationship management (CRM) software, you can keep track of what your customers look at or purchase on your website. Send them offers or news they’ll appreciate and increase your perceived value. 

Grab their attention by putting first names in your subject line. Email personalization is a great way to catch your customers’ eye. 

Make sure your sender name is also personalized. Use your real first name and your company name so recipients know who your emails are coming from. 

Get creative with content marketing

This year, go beyond the usual holiday ads. Instead, use holiday marketing as a chance to provide value. Stand out from the crowd with a Christmas newsletter customers will love. 

Why not send a holiday gift guide? This is the perfect way to showcase your products and Christmas season promotions. And your customers will thank you for helping them find the perfect gift.

Check out this holiday marketing campaign example from Materia Rica for inspiration:

A holiday marketing email with ideas for the perfect gift, in this case silk scarves.

Created with Brevo

Use the marketing channels with the most impact

Optimize your holiday marketing efforts this year. Focus on the marketing channels that make the most sense for your business. 

Study your target audience’s preferences and behavior. Analyze data from previous campaigns to come up with a holiday email marketing strategy. If your audience loved a special drink last year, send them an email or make a post to let them know it’s back this year. 

Create social media posts

Raise brand awareness with holiday-themed social media posts. Entice customers to participate by running social media contests and giveaways. And don’t forget to use hashtags and reels to broaden your reach.

Starbucks’ iconic red cups are a popular holiday marketing example:

This holiday marketing social media post by Starbucks shows three red coffee cups with Christmas colors.


This festive advertising by Starbucks is also a great example of using digital marketing to generate foot traffic. 

Pro tip: Take short videos of your holiday decorations and products in action and upload them to your Instagram Stories. This will help customers visualize what you have to offer and build up excitement for the holidays. 

Make in-store shopping festive

Make a special experience for the in-person holiday shoppers. Host an event or run a contest to engage local communities as well. 

It can also do something as easy as giving out free samples, decorating your store, or offering cake and coffee during a holiday sale.

Work with influencers

Partner with social media influencers in your holiday marketing campaigns. Influencers often have engaged and well-established communities. With their help, you can raise brand awareness and reach potential customers.

It’s no secret that influencer marketing is good for business. Influencer marketing is expected to reach $17.4 billion in 2023.

The holidays are a great time to partner with influencers. Work with them to share seasonal promotions and holiday sales.

This holiday marketing campaign from Dr. Vranjes Firenze is a perfect example:

This social media post shows an influencer promoting a brand's candles in bed and is an example of holiday marketing.


Use gamification

Gamification is an interactive way to spread holiday cheer. It’s fun, engages your audience, and creates loyal customers.

Google’s Santa Tracker is a well-known example. The Santa Tracker is more than a Christmas countdown. It includes whimsical Santa Claus animations and Christmas-themed games.

Gamification has made Google’s Santa Tracker popular among families. Check it out to get ideas for your holiday marketing campaigns.

Holiday marketing ideas: gamification. This is an image of the menu for an online holiday game made to promote a product.


Send a heartfelt holiday message

This season, get in the holiday spirit. Send customers a simple “Happy holidays” greeting. Or run a heartfelt holiday marketing campaign.

Evoke Christmas nostalgia and engage customers on an emotional level.

Look at this Christmas ad from Apple for inspiration:

Your holiday message can also be about celebrating this year’s achievements and looking forward to the new year.

Holiday marketing idea by Hitch that shows an email with end-of-year achievements from their subscribers.


Partner with a good cause

The holidays are a time of gift-giving and generosity. Why not use your holiday marketing to spread some good? This year, partner with an organization or cause that’s important for your business.

Macy’s Believe partnership with Make-A-Wish is one of the most beloved holiday campaigns.

Festive advertising ideas by Macy's. This shows a social media post by Macy's with a mailbox to Santa in a snowy forest asking for charity donations.


Go green

Wasteful holiday consumerism is a growing topic of interest. Americans throw out 25% more trash during the Thanksgiving to New Year’s holiday period.

More people have started paying attention to their environmental impact during the holiday season, with 82% of shoppers willing to pay more for zero-carbon shipping. Go green in your holiday marketing campaign to appeal to these eco-friendly shoppers.

This holiday marketing email from Graham and Green is a good example:

Environmentally friendly holiday marketing by Graham and Green showing a holiday lamp made from recycled and sustainable materials.


Other environmentally friendly holiday marketing ideas include:

  • Offsetting CO2 emissions from holiday shipping 
  • Using biodegradable packaging
  • Partnering with a local environmental non-profit for a joint holiday marketing effort

Go mobile

Holiday shoppers are increasingly buying on their phones. Mobile ecommerce sales hit a whopping $387 billion in 2022.

The last thing you want is to miss out on online sales. Be sure to optimize your website for mobile. That way, customers have a great experience wherever they do their shopping.

Send holiday email marketing campaigns

Holiday email marketing is the perfect way to reach your audience directly. Send email campaigns to promote holiday sales. Grab attention with beautiful holiday email templates, and send email-only exclusive offers, guides, or recipes.

Need inspiration? Check out this holiday marketing email example from Deep Steep:

Created with Brevo


Christmas Email Marketing: Examples & Ideas to Captivate Customers

How to Cook Up the Perfect Thanksgiving Email Campaign

Halloween Email Marketing: How to Make Monster Sales This Fall

Create a holiday advent calendar

Get your customers involved with a daily advent calendar full of offers, surprises, ideas, and more. 

Alternatively, you can run a 12 Days of Christmas giveaway campaign. Amp up your holiday marketing with daily prizes like this holiday marketing giveaway by Fracture. 

Holiday marketing email marketing campaign that shows a girl holding a puppy and 12 circles that represent 12 days of prizes.


Plan for post-holiday marketing campaigns

Holiday marketing campaigns help build brand awareness and boost sales. That doesn’t mean they should stop as soon as the holiday season ends though.

Send follow-up emails after the holidays. Run post-holiday offers and promote them across your marketing channels. Your goal? Turn holiday shoppers into loyal customers. 

Run holiday marketing campaigns year-round

Most holiday marketing campaigns take place toward the end of the year. But why not find a way to run holiday marketing campaigns all year round?

Consider lesser-known holidays for your holiday marketing strategy. This could be anything from Groundhog Day (February 2) to National Beer Day (April 7).

Launch campaigns and special offers on these holidays. Unique holiday marketing will help your brand stand out from the competition. This poll by Cracker Barrel is a great way of creating an interactive email that builds brand personality.

Holiday marketing campaign by Cracker Barrel that shows a holiday drink and a poll for people's favorite drink.


Improve customer experience with multiple channels

You’re putting in effort to make your holiday marketing special, so make sure you’re prepared for the traffic it’ll bring in!

Customers are looking for the perfect gift and will have questions about your products and promotions. Make sure they can find you and contact you whenever, wherever. 

Get on WhatsApp

WhatsApp is an increasingly popular option for business as it’s affordable, direct, and, well, everybody’s already on WhatsApp. Create a WhatsApp Business account and put your number on your website to provide a direct service and communication channel. 

A few key features of a WhatsApp Business account are:

Larger businesses can connect to the WhatsApp API through a Meta partner (usually a CRM). This has serious marketing potential as it allows companies to send marketing messages to their WhatsApp contacts. With an open rate of 99%, WhatsApp is a powerful marketing choice to consider. 

Set up live chat on your website 

Make it easy for customers to get the answers they need with live chat. 73% of Customers today like using live chat to communicate with businesses. Use a recommended live chat widget and start connecting with your customers. 

Manage Instagram and Facebook inquiries 

As of June 2022, Facebook and Instagram were the most popular social media platforms for shoppers. 

Brevo lets you manage incoming messages from both social media platforms in one place. If you want to create a seamless customer experience and streamline communication, here’s how to connect Brevo to:

Optimize your online listings

Update your Google My Business, Yelp, Facebook, and other online profiles with all the information customers need to have a successful shopping experience with you. 

  • Add pictures of your storefront and products or services
  • Make sure your address and contact information are current 
  • Update your store’s holiday hours
  • List your products

Optimize your website

Make your website festive and promote your holiday deals and events with a banner. Share a special holiday FAQ with all things related to holiday shopping, shipping, and offers. 

Create a landing page for your most important offers. Don’t forget to include a subscription form to keep growing your contact list! 

3 holiday marketing pitfalls to avoid

Holiday marketing campaigns often fail because they fall into common traps. To avoid making these mistakes, follow these holiday marketing tips.

1. Using only one holiday marketing channel

You shouldn’t rely on one channel alone for your holiday marketing strategy. For example, run email marketing campaigns and social media posts to promote your holiday sales.

This way, you’ll reach more customers during the holiday season.

2. Sending too many holiday marketing emails

The last thing you want to do during the busy holiday season is bombard your customers. With emails, it’s easy to get carried away.

Sending too many emails comes off as spammy. You also risk losing subscribers and turning off potential customers.

Ramp up your holiday emails, but don’t overwhelm your audience. Launch your campaigns early enough to build anticipation. Send emails to raise brand awareness and promote holiday offers. 

Like with all of your marketing campaigns, it’s important to strike the right balance.

3. Planning holiday marketing campaigns last minute

A good holiday marketing strategy takes careful planning. If you leave your holiday campaigns to the last minute, you’re less likely to see the results you want.

Don’t wait until the day before the holiday to create your campaigns. Instead, come up with a holiday marketing plan ahead of time. This will help ensure your campaigns’ success.

Marketing tools make it easy to plan and automate your campaigns across channels. This includes emails, SMS, paid advertising, and WhatsApp marketingWith Brevo, launch all your holiday marketing campaigns from a single platform.

Read on to find out more.

Launch your holiday marketing campaign

Free plan includes all core email features, unlimited contacts, live chat, and CRM.

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The post Holiday Marketing Guide: Examples & Ideas to Stand Out This Season appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

Free & Editable Email Newsletter Templates to Use Today Tue, 08 Aug 2023 11:57:10 +0000 Trying to create a newsletter for your business? Not sure where to start? Choose from over 40 free email newsletter templates for professional, attractive, and responsive campaigns your subscribers will love. What is a newsletter if not one of the best ways to develop your brand image, feature your products and services, and create a […]

The post Free & Editable Email Newsletter Templates to Use Today appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

Trying to create a newsletter for your business? Not sure where to start? Choose from over 40 free email newsletter templates for professional, attractive, and responsive campaigns your subscribers will love.

What is a newsletter if not one of the best ways to develop your brand image, feature your products and services, and create a loyal following? By sending consistent updates packed with value for your subscribers, you’ll develop a strong customer base and boost the success of your marketing email campaigns.

One of the easiest to start is using templates. They’re created by designers, ready for you to just input your own copy and customize colors as needed. No need to worry about spacing, alignment, or image sizes.

To help you, we selected a few outstanding newsletter templates for all kinds of businesses you can use for free:

Find the perfect newsletter template for your business

Ecommerce newsletter templates

Newsletters are a vital element of ecommerce email marketing. Use them to update your audience about new offerings and discounts, share valuable content, and even send personalized product recommendations.

The goal is to keep customers informed and coming back to buy again. The free email newsletter templates below showcase different ways to achieve this and drive conversions.

Newsletter template #1

This first example does a good job of showing how ecommerce businesses can benefit from a well-designed email newsletter. The template includes several classic elements of an ecommerce email campaign:

newsletter template

  • Highlighting new products: New products, seasonal updates, and highlights are all welcome in a newsletter. Its purpose, after all, is to inform subscribers of what’s going on with your business.
  • Featured products: The spotlight on desserts is a good way to boost an underperforming category.
  • Customer testimonials: Including customer feedback helps bring in new customers.
  • Social media call: The prominent invite to follow the brand on Instagram is a nice touch as it helps strengthen the relationship with the customer and prolong the interaction on various channels.

Psst! When starting with your newsletter, don’t forget to set up an automated welcome email for new subscribers.

Newsletter template #2

Our next ecommerce newsletter template example takes a slightly different approach by featuring only one product in the email:

email template ecommerce

  • Speak directly to your subscribers: This email newsletter starts with a personalized greeting and a short note to subscribers. Beginning an email campaign this way helps connect with your subscribers in a more personal way.
  • Sneak peak: By only spotlighting one product from the new collection, this email campaign sparks interest. Their opening text mentions the collection, with a single featured product following. This strategy can seriously help boost your newsletter’s click through rate. 
  • Social media CTA: Besides selling a product, many ecommerce sites want to promote the lifestyle associated with it. Social media can help a lot so include links to your profiles to grow your brand’s reach.

Blog and content newsletter templates

If you plan to be sharing a lot of content (see our newsletter ideas), you can go minimalist on the visual elements. Design templates that put copy front and center.

Newsletter template #3

Our next template features a local newspaper example. Pay special attention to how the newsletter provides value to readers in a few distinct sections:

email newsletter template

  • Original intro: This example uses a “daily run-down” format to give their readers the most important headlines first. It’s attention-grabbing and effective. Of course, it fits for a monthly or a weekly newsletter too.
  • Featured content: The varied boxes let you feature a certain article while the colored headings draw the readers to the rest of the email.

Newsletter template #4

This is another template with a old-school newsletter layout. It’s perfect for content-heavy campaigns when you have a lot to share with your readers.

newsletter template

  • Variety of text boxes: There’s enough space for copy, highlights, and quotes in different formats and nicely placed images. 
  • Luxurious feel: The layout looks like a glossy magazine so your content can shine without the sue of design tools.

SaaS newsletter templates

For SaaS companies, newsletters nurture leads and build relationships. For this reason, they should be educational, professional, and most of all, full of value for the reader.

Our email newsletter template includes several key elements for B2B marketing:

saas template email

  • Featured articles: SaaS companies should work on establishing authority in their field. Sharing content showcasing your expertise is the first step to converting new customers.
  • Product tutorials: Your monthly newsletter is the perfect place to introduce updates or new features in your product. The CTAs in this template will drive people down the funnel.
  • Referral program: This template also includes a referral program along with an incentive. Put in your link and watch new business roll in!
  • Customer support contacts: Including ways to reach support in every email is not a bad idea.

Nonprofit newsletter templates

Email marketing for nonprofits differs from business newsletters as they are mission- rather than sales-driven. This means they should be educational, but also actionable. People don’t automatically stand up and support a cause — they usually need some encouragement.

School newsletter template

This template uses the example of a school district. Note these key elements:

school newsletter template

  • Event CTA: As most nonprofits rely on events for fund raising, highlighting upcoming events will increase signups and spread the word to new supporters. Here, the CTA is front and center.
  • Featured story: In this school newsletter, featured articles are a way of keeping parents informed and showcasing students’ work.
  • Webinar signup: Webinars are popular ways to share content and build up a well-informed and dedicated following for non-profits. Alternatively, use this section of the newsletter template for an ebook or infographic download.

Charity newsletters

Another nonprofit email newsletter template focuses on thank you and results.

charity newsletter

  • Keep it simple: An update to supporters should focus on impact, hence the short, sweet, and highly visual newsletter design.
  • Personalized content: Personalized emails allow you to tell each customers exactly how their donations helped your charity. Use a CRM and dynamic content to deliver a personal note to each donor.

Holiday newsletter templates

Of course, this article on newsletter templates would be amiss without our holiday email content! The holiday shopping season is the biggest time of the year for many SMBs. Check out our Easter, Valentine’s Day, Labor Day, and Christmas newsletter ideas.

holiday newsletter template

A beautiful newsletter holiday-themed template

  • Sale or promotion: A holiday is a great time to offer a sale or promotion. Start your holiday newsletter by announcing a new discount code or special offer.
  • Holiday theme: Your holiday newsletter shouldn’t look just like all our other email marketing campaigns. Use this and other holiday-themed email designs available in our library to stand out in inboxes. Brevo (formerly Sendinblue)’s holiday newsletter templates come prepared with on-theme color palettes to get you started.
  • Customized CTAs: Spice up your calls to action with related puns and jokes. Our Halloween example features a CTA button that reads, “Spooky treats this way.”

For a more in-depth look, check out our article on holiday email templates!

Free newsletter templates for outstanding email marketing campaigns

There’s no one-size-fits-all formula that gives you the perfect company newsletter template. It depends on your business, goals, and audience. It doesn’t have to depend on your design skills, however.

You can have beautiful newsletter design without any graphic design or HTML knowledge.

As a newsletter software, Brevo offers eye-catching customizable newsletter templates for different purposes and industries. You can access them all on our Free plan. Plus, you’ll get handy email marketing tools to run the whole process from one place.

These fully responsive HTML templates help you create email newsletters that look great on mobile devices and desktop. They’re ideal for small businesses that want to send professional email campaigns while saving time and money.

And the best part is you don’t have to design the newsletter in graphic design tool like Adobe or Canva, and then export it to an email marketing platform.

You can easily customize the newsletter branding to match yours with our intuitive drag and drop editor. Here are some of the best newsletter examples to inspire you.

Brevo's email template gallery

Brevo’s template gallery

How to use the templates

To use our free email newsletter templates in your Brevo account, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the “Campaigns” tab and click “Create an email campaign”. 
  2. Complete the “Setup” information, including your campaign name and subject line. 
  3. Click “Next step” to move to the design stage, then select “Template gallery”.
  4. Select your desired template to move on to the drag and drop editor.
  5. Customize your template! Pick the color scheme and font, customize the header and footer, add high-quality images, and add whatever else you need to perfect your email design.

What’s more, these beautiful newsletter templates can be used in automation scenarios too!

Newsletters are one of the best ways to build relationships with your customers — so don’t wait to start sending.

For more inspiration to make these templates your own, check out this list of our best email marketing examples (all created on Brevo).

Jumpstart your blog email strategy with Brevo

Free plan includes access to all core email features, 300 emails/day, 40+ email templates, and customizable signup forms to grow your blog email list.

Open my free Brevo account now >>

The post Free & Editable Email Newsletter Templates to Use Today appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

7 Giving Tuesday Email Examples That’ll Make Your Donation Drive a Success Mon, 07 Aug 2023 12:01:00 +0000 Looking for Giving Tuesday email examples? Welcome aboard. Now before you think you can robotically copy their templates and messages, let’s set the record straight—persuading people to donate is tricky.  Several cognitive biases and underlying motivations influence decision-making. Email marketing for nonprofits should take them into account to achieve Giving Tuesday donation goals. To know […]

The post 7 Giving Tuesday Email Examples That’ll Make Your Donation Drive a Success appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

Looking for Giving Tuesday email examples? Welcome aboard. Now before you think you can robotically copy their templates and messages, let’s set the record straight—persuading people to donate is tricky. 

Several cognitive biases and underlying motivations influence decision-making. Email marketing for nonprofits should take them into account to achieve Giving Tuesday donation goals.

To know exactly which bias to activate can be daunting. Though since you’re here, consider this problem solved. In this blog post, we’ll analyze some stand-out Giving Tuesday email examples and the psychology behind why they convert.

What is Giving Tuesday?

Giving Tuesday is celebrated on the Tuesday after Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM). Amid the holiday season, people donate to or volunteer for causes and charities closest to their hearts.

The movement of year-end giving started in 2012 and has since picked up momentum. In 2022, the Giving Tuesday organization reported $3.1 billion worth of donations in the U.S. alone.

The best part is, you don’t need to be a charity to participate, so if you have a cause near and dear to your heart that you’d like to support, read on! The Giving Tuesday email examples below will help you kindle people’s urge to donate.

7 Giving Tuesday email examples to inspire your campaign

These Giving Tuesday email examples showcase some of the most effective best practices to help you fine-tune your campaign email strategy. 

1. A warm-up Giving Tuesday email to loyal supporters 

…who’ve steered your donation drive over the years toward success. Tell them you value their change-making pledge and to stay tuned for more Giving Tuesday emails from you over the next few days.

In their email, Operation Warm gives donors full credit for giving a gift of hope to those in need. Moreover, to make sure they don’t forget to give this year they provide an “add to calendar” option, which is a smart addition to this email marketing campaign.

Giving Tuesday email example by Operation Warm with a "save the date" CTA


Here’s one charity email example from CARE Australia. The header says “because you care” to kickstart a one-to-one conversation. Plus, the statistics about last year’s success become a shared moment of pride. They start their Giving Tuesday message on a highly positive note.

Giving Tuesday email example to supporters by the charity CARE that uses statistics to show impact.


Why do these Giving Tuesday emails work?

As humans, we have a strong desire to be seen as someone consistent in our behavior and beliefs. Naturally, when repeat donors receive an email that appreciates their generosity, they prepare to donate again. 

So far as the statistics go, recurring donors give 42% more over 1 year than a one-time donor. Even if they want to donate for purely altruistic reasons, your email will prepare them to play their part.

2. Follow up with a Giving Tuesday announcement email

Focus on the impact you’ve made in the past. 

  • Mention how much you raised over the years and how it benefited your cause.
  • Include statistics for donors to see where their contribution was used.
  • Use images and photographs to evoke emotions and crack their hearts open. 

Charity: water does all the above convincingly. The photograph, which acts as a directional cue, and the accompanying message evoke feelings of hope and empathy.

At the end of the email, they also give an option to read more about their fundraiser. This is particularly useful for first-time donors who might want to know more. 

What’s also worth noting is their email subject lineThis #GivingTuesday, make history with us! It creates a curiosity gap that gets the recipient excited about the event and so your open rate goes up. The lesson being, your Giving Tuesday subject lines should build excitement and pay off too. 

Giving Tuesday email announcement by charity: water


Why does this Giving Tuesday email work?

We believe every decision we make is a good one. So when donors receive an email affirming their kindness and acknowledging them for supporting a particular charity, it reinforces their confidence in their decision-making. Result? They donate again. 

The same applies to first-time donors. Seeing the good done by the charity or a small business like yours, they feel good about having chosen you. So don’t skip the Giving Tuesday announcement.

3. Hype current and potential donors with stories

Good stories are key to a powerful Giving Tuesday message. They can make you feel a whole bunch of emotions, such as anger, sadness, suffering, empathy, and hope. 

This email from Help for Heroes — though not a part of their Giving Tuesday campaign — is a good example of how to melt hearts. You can see Carl’s life change in front of your eyes.

Example of a charity email by Help for Heroes that uses storytelling


Moving on, storytelling needn’t be restricted to written words. Explore videos as an alternative format.

In this Giving Tuesday campaign example Sears shares a video captioned “Watch the work Sears and St. Jude — and you — are doing together’”. It’s the phrase “and you” that makes donors feel like they have an important role to play in someone else’s life. Meaning? They’re persuaded to donate.

Giving Tuesday email example by company Sears with a video promoting their charity partnership


Why do these Giving Tuesday emails work?

The stories in both Giving Tuesday email samples center around one person. This one-person hook is important to trigger the identifiable victim effect. Turns out, it’s easier for people to empathize with the struggle of an individual over an abstract, nameless group of people. Ultimately, this motivates them to help in any way possible. 

Moreover, the most striking part about such stories is that they don’t depend on a history of shared experience. If they’re told well, they motivate people to feel others’ pain and do something to end it. So run with this idea and trigger empathy through your Giving Tuesday emails.

4. Nudge supporters to make a lasting impact

Many charities and nonprofits mention how far they are from their fundraising goal while some add a countdown or notify how long before the donation drive ends. These are tried and tested Giving Tuesday email templates to get people to donate right away.

For list subscribers who’ve already donated (use email segmentation to find out who they are), thank them and simultaneously ask them to forward your email and/or share it on social media.

This will amplify your reach and get you closer to the finish line — or even better, exceed your goal. Just make sure you add social sharing buttons and a preloaded message to make it easy to share. 

Here’s how to leverage this conversion tactic. Note that this is a classic email personalization move. The recipients respond well to such emails because they are relevant and specific to the actions they’ve taken. 

Example of a personalized email by Be My Eyes asking subscribers to share the email with their network


Why does this Giving Tuesday email work?

Credit goes to the foot-in-the-door technique in which you follow up your first request with another one. 

The charity email example also gives a concrete reason to share, which is important as people share stuff if they can extract value from it. In this case, by forwarding the Giving Tuesday email, the sharer hopes to be recognized as a force of change and influence over others. #goodkarma

5. Promise a donation match

Matching campaigns, not surprisingly, double the funds raised and the impact. But do more than just announce your collaboration. Focus on the impact each dollar of the donation amount is going to accomplish. Add a time ticker or a progress bar to put on a bit of pressure.

North Shore Animal League’s Giving Tuesday email template follows all these best practices to push their call-to-action — or rather — call-to-value.

Giving Tuesday match funding campaign by North Shore Animal League


Why does this Giving Tuesday email campaign work?

The answer is by creating a sense of urgency. With a time limit attached to the matching Giving Tuesday campaign, donors experience a sense of loss if they don’t donate.

6. Make giving easy

There’s a large chance your subscribers are already buying your product consistently. Throw in a limited-time gifted donation with every purchase and give loyal shoppers and new customers alike an extra reason to place an order.

Giving Tuesday email example by company Honest Paws, promoting their product donations


Why does this Giving Tuesday email work?

This Giving Tuesday email campaign by Honest Paws makes donating easy. Subscribers just have to buy their favorite products, and a donation is automatically made — it’s a win-win! 

Rather than use a run-of-the-mill call to action, Honest Paws asks donors to “help a shelter pet”. When subscribers click that CTA, they know they’re making a difference. 

Check out our guide on how to create a fundraising campaign email for more of the best fundraising email tips and examples.

Check out our guide to how to create a fundraising campaign email for more of the best fundraising email tips and examples.

7. Send a Giving Tuesday thank you email the next day

Tell your donors that you cherish their support. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate Giving Tuesday thank you email, but one that has sincere thanks coming from you. This note of gratitude is important to build transparency and trust.

Feel free to add how much you raised and how you plan to use the funds. You could also redirect them to stories of real people who benefited from the fundraising in the past.

Again, CARE Australia’s email is a good charity email example of how it’s done.

Example of a thank you email to donors by the charity CARE sharing real stories


Alternatively, here’s an example from Natura that keeps the spirit of generosity alive to inspire your own Giving Tuesday thank-you emails.

Through the dynamic hashtag, they imply that giving could be a year-long thing or even a mindset. You can use both these examples as a Giving Tuesday thank you email template.

Giving Tuesday email by Natura thanking customers for their support


Why do these Giving Tuesday emails work?

Even though these emails are sent to several people at once, it’s the second-person pronoun “you” that gives the impression this message has been personally written for them. 

These Giving Tuesday email examples let subscribers know how their donation made an impact and makes them feel proud for contributing! Recognizing your donors’ efforts is important for a successful Giving Tuesday campaign and for continued success in the future. 

Giving Tuesday email best practices

Time your Giving Tuesday emails right

Below we have a guideline to help you know when to send your Giving Tuesday emails.

1st email: two to three weeks before

This email introduces your mission to your subscribers and announces your Giving Tuesday participation. Let them know when and what Giving Tuesday is. You can talk about what you achieved last year (with the help of subscribers like them). You can also link to a blog post or a landing page about the cause you’re helping. 

A reminder: between one week and one day before 

This can be a short and sweet email with a call to action to save the date. You can also ask subscribers to share your email with friends on social media.

3rd email with a call to donate: on Giving Tuesday

This is the big day, so make it count! Send this email in the morning and let your readers know it’s Giving Tuesday. Remind them of your mission and reinforce how their contribution will help. Don’t forget an empowering CTA to finish it off.   

A progress update: halfway through Giving Tuesday (optional)

Keep your subscribers updated on your fundraising progress and convince those who haven’t donated yet to participate. This can easily be done by filtering your contacts by those who haven’t opened your previous Giving Tuesday campaign email yet. 

A thank you email: the day after Giving Tuesday

Don’t forget to send a heartfelt email full of gratitude once the big day is over. Celebrate your shared achievements with your subscribers and let them know they’re superheroes. 

Create thoughtful campaigns 

Knowing what to write in your Giving Tuesday email isn’t a five-minute task, so we made a quick checklist to guide you. Inspire people to make a donation by including these details in your emails:

Write a compelling subject line.

Include your organization’s name and logo. Put it in a banner at the top or after your sign-off.

Use the Giving Tuesday logo. Make your email look the part with the Giving Tuesday logo or other Giving Tuesday graphics.

Write a headline. Your headline states what this campaign is about.

Say what your goal is. Tell your subscribers how much you aim to raise. This is also a moment to tell the story behind your cause. 

State how your subscribers’ contributions will help. Saying what their donation will accomplish will motivate your audience to participate. Will they feed a pet for a month, or provide a child with new shoes for the school year?

Say thank you! Include a CTA.

Refer to this Giving Tuesday email template to see where you can include each detail. And remember, at the end of the day, this is your campaign, so if you have a different vision, go for it!

Create your Giving Tuesday email template

Using a marketing platform like Brevo will make building and sending Giving Tuesday email templates a breeze. Easily upload graphics (or search through Brevo’s free stock gallery), create headlines, and drop in donate buttons.

Take these Giving Tuesday email examples to the next level

We know you can, especially now you know the psychology behind what makes people give. 

So then, are you ready to create your Giving Tuesday campaign? We say — give it a shot.

We hope you’ve found this content helpful. Download our free holiday marketing calendar to receive the latest seasonal marketing tips and guides.

The post 7 Giving Tuesday Email Examples That’ll Make Your Donation Drive a Success appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

How to Add Live Chat to Your Website (Easy & Free) Fri, 04 Aug 2023 10:31:29 +0000 Live chat is one of the most popular ways to engage website visitors, help customers, and boost conversations. Add chat to your website in a few easy steps — here’s how. Chat is now one of the most important tools for growing your business. Use it to improve user experience, provide customer support in real […]

The post How to Add Live Chat to Your Website (Easy & Free) appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

Live chat is one of the most popular ways to engage website visitors, help customers, and boost conversations. Add chat to your website in a few easy steps — here’s how.

Chat is now one of the most important tools for growing your business. Use it to improve user experience, provide customer support in real time, and nurture customer relationships.

In 2023, adding live chat to your website has never been simpler. Get started with chat in just a few clicks, no technical skills needed.

How to add live chat to your website

Follow this step-by-step guide to activate live chat on your website. No coding skills required!

Step 1: Pick live chat software to use

Naturally, it all starts with choosing your provider. Estimate your needs and compare what’s on the market. Some key differentiators to look for:

  • price per agent seat
  • automations possible (canned responses, chatbot, open hours)
  • proactive chat available
  • customization options (branding, placement)
  • signup form integration
  • stats and metrics
  • mobile app available (especially if you’ll be manning the chat yourself and on the go)
  • ease of setup

Here’s a comparison of the best live chat software at the moment.

Step 2: Install your chat widget

The best live chat widget providers make it super-easy — simply copy the code snippet and paste it into your web page’s HTML code to embed the chat on your website.

Check out the tutorials available for WordPress websites or Shopify to see for yourself how easy it is.

Step 3: Customize the chat widget

You can brand it to match the rest of your website. Choose the color and chat button design. You can also customize the welcome message to match your brand’s tone of voice.

An advanced functionality it to set up different languages depending on the visitor’s browser language. Then you only input a default welcome message in your first language and it gets translated to all others you want to serve.

customizing chat widget with brand colors

Customize the chat widget to match the language and color palette of your website.

Tip: Enable sound notifications

You can alert visitors of your answer with sound. It’s very handy because often people get distracted, minimize the screen, or go to another page while waiting for the agent’s answer.

Step 4: Create agent profiles

Let visitors feel as if they’re talking to customer support face-to-face. Use your team members’ real names. You can also add a title and photo for customers to see when they open the chat window.

agent profiles

This profile gives your chat widget a friendly, human face.

Pro tip

Some live chat tools make it possible to set rules to automatically route incoming messages to specific chat agents or groups of agents. For example, Spanish-speaking agents get chats coming from your Spanish-language website.

Step 5: Set your service hours

To set up your live chat strategy for success, configure your work rules. Set your business hours for each day of the week when you’ll be online and available to chat. The better providers even let you customize this by agent.

Then, choose what happens when you’re offline: hide the widget altogether or display a warning message of possible delays.

setting business hours for chat agents

Setting your operating hours lets customers know when you’re available to chat

Tip: Enable desktop notifications

Enable desktop notifications to know when a website visitor messages you over live chat. This way, you’ll never miss an opportunity.

Step 6: Think of widget placement

Where should you put the live chat widget you created? On all pages or only on key ones where you know users need help?

One approach is to add live chat to your website’s strategic pages (pricing, checkout, terms of uses, etc.) and proactively engage visitors on those pages to convert them.

Step 7: Save canned responses

When you’re looking how to add live chat to your site, you’re looking for a way to serve your customers in real time, right? You can keep on doing that even offline thanks to canned responses.

They’re save replies to FAQ you get: “Do you offer free shipping?”, “What payments methods do you accept?”, etc. You simply input them and the answers, and the live chat tool displays them when people type in the same thing.

canned responses

Example of canned responses

Step 8: Set up a chatbot

Want to use more automation? Chatbots are great at saving time and moving leads down the funnel until the point where human touch is needed.

Start by choosing your trigger (the condition to show the chatbot message). Usually, it’s an IF rule about the visitor’s behavior, for example if they spend 15 mins on one page.

Then, list possible reply options. Input the next question, depending on the answers. Continue for as long as you need. Save and launch. For inspiration, check out these chatbot examples.

setting up chatbot scenarios

Setting up chatbot scenarios

Read more: The best chatbot software compared

Step 9: Add more channels

If you’re adding chat to your site, why not open even more direct channels of communication with your audience? Connect your business social media accounts and receive all incoming messages in one neat chat admin for easier management.

Instagram DMs, Facebook Messenger, and even WhatsApp — all conversations can be managed from the same live chat back-end you install on your site (with the right provider, of course).

chats from different message channels coming in

Chats coming in from different platforms in one place

Step 10: Connect to CRM

The whole point of adding chat to your website is to engage visitors and turn them into customers. So integrating the chat with your CRM should be your next step.

This way, you’ll be able to identify and track site visitors throughout their journey with you. Their contact details, their interactions with your site and channels, and purchases — can be all in one place, handy for future campaigns.

Step 11: Monitor live chat performance

After you add chat to your site, you can draw insights from its performance and improve the customer service provided. Look at metrics like:

  • number of incoming chats (breakdown by channel)
  • answer rate by agent
  • ratings
  • average response time

Adding chat to your website: FAQ

How live chat works

Live chat is a digital communication tool for one-on-one customer interaction. The chat box usually appears on your website as a popup window, like in the example below:

When customers reach out via chat, you or a support team member can respond directly in the conversation. Read more on what live chat is.

Why you should add chat to your website

Live chat software makes real-time, direct customer communication easy. This makes customer support faster and more efficient, increasing customer satisfaction.

Whether you’re an ecommerce site, software startup, or small business, you can use website chat for:

  • Email list building: collect subscribers with a form right in the chat box
  • Customer support: answer FAQs and engage in real time
  • Conversational marketing: enhance the customer experience with strategic touchpoints
  • Sales: nurture potential customers and guide them through the sale funnel

Dig deeper into our guide to best practices using live chat for business.

Add live chat to your website with Brevo

Open a Brevo account to get access to our free live chat features: unlimited chats from one seat, fully customizable chat widget, mobile app, and complete chat history.

No need to download a live chat plugin, the app can be activated directly from the platform.

Starting with one seat is enough to provide live chat support to your website visitors. Upgrade to add more team members and access Pro functionality, including chatbots, Facebook Messenger nd Instagram Direct integration, and automation.

The post How to Add Live Chat to Your Website (Easy & Free) appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

11 Small Business Saturday Ideas to Give Your Business a Boost Thu, 03 Aug 2023 14:06:00 +0000 Small Business Saturday (SBS) is a golden opportunity for small businesses to lay the groundwork for year-round success. You can boost sales, raise awareness of your brand, and strengthen ties with your local community. But with so many small businesses competing for attention, it’s easy to get lost in the noise.  Check out our Small […]

The post 11 Small Business Saturday Ideas to Give Your Business a Boost appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

Small Business Saturday (SBS) is a golden opportunity for small businesses to lay the groundwork for year-round success. You can boost sales, raise awareness of your brand, and strengthen ties with your local community. But with so many small businesses competing for attention, it’s easy to get lost in the noise. 

Check out our Small Business Saturday ideas and make your brand stand out from the crowd:

  1. Register your business
  2. Offer deals and discounts
  3. Link up with other businesses
  4. Get customers back in store
  5. Host an event 
  6. Send email campaigns
  7. Use social media
  8. Get great graphics
  9. Create user-generated content
  10. Tell a story
  11. Give back

When is Small Business Saturday?

Small Business Saturday is a shopping holiday held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. In 2023, it falls on November 25th.

It was created in 2010 by American Express to help small businesses promote themselves. It’s since become a popular annual event. 79% of Americans surveyed are aware of the importance of shopping small and in 2021 they spent $23.3 billion on the day.

What happens on Small Business Saturday? It’s about more than just profit. It’s about building relationships with customers and strengthening ties with your community.

These bonds continue to be important even after the pandemic. Brevo (formerly Sendinblue)’s post-pandemic customer research shows that consumers are looking to support smaller and local businesses.

What’s the purpose of Small Business Saturday?

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are owned by the big retailers. Small Business Saturday is your time to shine. 

There’s one important thing to remember about Small Business Saturday: it’s all about showing the customer their purchase is making a difference. Whether it’s helping the family behind the brand or going back into the neighborhood.

During last year’s season, 79% of shoppers agreed small businesses are essential to the community and 36% of consumers planned on shopping during Small Business Saturday.  

Read on to discover how you can encourage the community, near and far, to support your business and shop small this year.

Small Business Saturday marketing ideas

Your Small Business Saturday marketing strategy should radiate feel-good vibes and help your customer feel they’re involved in something positive.

Here are our favorite marketing ideas to make your Small Business Saturday 2023 a roaring success. 

1. Register your business

Gear up for the day by getting registered for the event. If you’re in the US, you can register here. Businesses in the UK can register here (the UK event is on December 2nd).

Find out if your local area has its own list of participating businesses. Sign up to benefit from advertising in the run-up to the day or be part of a Shop Small map to guide foot traffic to your store on the big day.

You can also connect with other participating businesses ahead of the day to share ideas and plan joint events. 

Pro tip: Don’t just register on the Shop Small map. Create (or update) your Google My Business profile to maximize visibility.

2. Offer deals and discounts

Next, plan your deals. Small Business Saturday is a great opportunity to say thank you to customers by helping out with their holiday shopping. Plus, with an array of strong deals and discounts, you’ll attract new faces to spread the word about your brand. 

Not sure what kind of deals work? A recent poll revealed the most popular Small Business Saturday promotions were limited-time deals (24%), followed by free gifts (21%), coupons and discounts (20%), and finally buy-one-get-one free deals (19%). If you still can’t decide, you could offer a mix, like Scout Books. 

This Small Business Saturday idea shows an email campaign from Scout Books promoting a site-wide 30% off weekend sale.


3. Link up with other businesses

On a day that’s all about community spirit, why not link up with a fellow small business? Organize joint marketing campaigns with reciprocal discounts or giveaways and collaborate on social media posts to promote each other’s business.

You’re offering your customer a full experience, cross-pollinating your audiences, and getting to know a fellow business owner, as in this example from Tattly. 

This Small Business Saturday idea shows an email that promotes multiple local businesses.


4. Get customers back in store

The pandemic sent businesses online, so use the day to entice people back into stores. 

A great way to connect your online customer base with your real-life store is by creating an offer that links the two. Send a QR code to loyal customers to be redeemed in-store. Or vice versa, offer a discount for those who sign up for your newsletter through the QR code displayed on-site.

Or, offer store pickup to your online customers. “Most consumers love the ease and convenience of picking purchases up. It’s a great opportunity to upsell and build a connection with your customers and secure their loyalty,” says Jonathan Roque, digital marketing and content strategist at Zapiet.

Once in-store, customers typically make larger transactions, increasing your average order value.

5. Host an event

While you’re inviting your customers back to stores, create a buzz in your space. Host an activity, an evening cocktail event, or hire local performers to entertain your guests. 

Your efforts don’t have to be too out there: customers love the little touches like a free coffee or a coupon for the next time they shop with you. Extend your opening hours, offer refreshments, give out free gifts, run a raffle — make the day feel like part of the holiday season. 

The most important thing, as Roberta Perry of Scrubz Body Scrub, Inc says, is to put the customer first. “We revel in being a micro-mini business and we adore treating our customers like the gold they are. It gives us a chance to celebrate customer loyalty and renew our commitment to them.”

Local news reporters will be keen to get the scoop on your event, so make sure you invite them along. 

And when the party’s over? Don’t forget to follow up. A thank you note is a quick and effective way to show your appreciation.

Choose the best pictures from the event and share them on Facebook or Instagram. Or put them in a marketing email like this one from The Salty. Remind them of how much fun they had and make sure they come back soon. 

This is an email from a local business that sent a thank you email with pictures of people from their local community who came to their Small Business Saturday event.


6. Send email campaigns

The best way to get the word out is over email. Social media is a great touchpoint, but it’s important to connect with your invested audience. Make sure you’re developing your customer relationships through email to deepen brand loyalty and engagement.

Build an email list by offering discounts. Then, keep in touch regularly with special offers and exclusive deals. This will help you build brand loyalty and encourage repeat purchases. 

Andrew Woods of Duckpin says, “Your marketing efforts should start well before Small Business Saturday. In the month leading up to the sale, we engage customers and subscribers with high-value promotional teasers.” 

Send your contacts an email saying you will be participating in SBS and let them know you’ll be having Small Business Saturday deals. Don’t forget to follow up with a friendly reminder email a week or a few days before the event to keep it fresh in their minds.

To schedule and segment your Small Business Saturday emails ahead of time and take the stress out of your email campaign, try Brevo’s email marketing software. Get started with 300 emails a day on the free plan.

Small business Saturday email showing handmade gifts.


Send an email showcasing your products to get subscribers excited to shop Small Business Saturday like in this example by Uncommon Goods.

7. Use social media

Small Business Saturday is a social experience and a day to build community. So, it makes sense to promote it on social media. Plus, as of the end of 2022, 52.6% of businesses were leveraging social media for marketing purposes.  

Increase engagement with your brand by creating Small Business Saturday posts. Use SBS hashtags and local hashtags to attract new customers. Be sure to include the official hashtags for the occasion, which are #ShopSmall, #SmallBizSat and #SmallBizSaturday.

“Invite users to like, share, and follow your profile for a unique discount code. This will boost your social media presence, exposing your business to even more people. This means more sales, more hype, and more attention,” says Gregory Yong from Convincely.

People like to share their support, so make it easy for them to be interactive. Make an Instagram sticker, Snapchat filter, or gif with your business branding. Customers will jump at the chance to show off their support for small businesses.

8. Get great graphics

While you’re feeling creative, design coordinated graphics and signage for your Small Business Saturday marketing materials. By splashing your online and real-life presence with logos, banners, and hashtags, you’ll keep your business top of mind throughout the holiday sales. 

Change your social media cover photos and banners to include the #ShopSmall hashtag. Pin a tweet, update your bios, or add a popup to your homepage. These minor changes help remind and encourage people to visit you on the day.

Every year, the original organizer of the event — American Express — offers free template graphics and imagery to help you coordinate your online presence and shop front. 

9. Get user-generated content

Build a buzz around your brand with user-generated content. Organize a promotion or contest on social media and invite your customers to take part.

Ask for a photo with their favorite product of yours or a short video about why they love your brand. Share any content they generate, with their permission. People will warm to your brand, you’ll build relationships with your most loyal customers and get yourself in front of some new faces as well.

10. Tell a story

Some prefer to leave the noise of deals and discounts behind to tell a story of their products and their business. 

“For Small Business Saturday, we focus less on paid ads and more on showcasing video footage of the small business owners at work,” says Ella Jesmajian, co-founder of Honey and Roses Coffee.

Sharing behind-the-scenes content is a great way to connect with your customers. People like to see the faces behind the brand. Small Business Saturday is a chance to make personal connections in a way the big corporations can’t.

Content such as this sneak-peak from Jack Mason works brilliantly in email marketing to break up the promotions and build those all-important relationships with your subscriber list. 

An email from a local business that sells watches as part of their marketing strategy. It shows a watch half made, half drawn and lets subscribers read behind the scenes.


11. Give back

We know Small Business Saturday is all about community, think about how you can give back to yours. Customers love to see businesses contributing to the improvement of their local community.

Collect donations to fund new sports equipment, plant a flower bed in a local park, or contribute to a food bank. Pick something that feels appropriate to your brand. 

Roberto Torres, owner of The Local Marketer says, “When a local small business partners with a local cause, it benefits the cause in two ways. The first is by providing the funds for them to continue operating, but also advertising that organization to the community.”

This email shows a small business Saturday idea in action. It is an email that thanks customers for their loyalty and shows the ice cream brand's dedication to the community.


Final tips for Small Business Saturday

Feeling inspired for your Small Business Saturday success? Just remember to:

  • Reward your customers with special events, deals, and discounts
  • Harness the power of community, be it your fellow business owners, local media, or members of the public
  • Be generous, with your behind-the-scenes story, your discounting, and your charitable giving

Achieve this, and your customers will walk away with the feel-good factor that will make them loyal to your brand all year round. 

Stay up to date with the latest marketing tips and download our free holiday marketing calendar.

The post 11 Small Business Saturday Ideas to Give Your Business a Boost appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

40 Black Friday & Cyber Monday Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Open Rate Thu, 03 Aug 2023 12:46:00 +0000 Black Friday Cyber Monday weekend is not the time to get fancy with your email subject lines. Forget coy, cutesy, and subtle. They need to be catchy yet dramatic. Think the written equivalent of blinking lights and balloons. Why? You ask. Around Black Friday, the fight for attention in the inbox is as ruthless as […]

The post 40 Black Friday & Cyber Monday Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Open Rate appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

Black Friday Cyber Monday weekend is not the time to get fancy with your email subject lines. Forget coy, cutesy, and subtle. They need to be catchy yet dramatic. Think the written equivalent of blinking lights and balloons.

Why? You ask.

Around Black Friday, the fight for attention in the inbox is as ruthless as the Hunger Games. 

Your Black Friday subject line has to work overtime to get your customers’ attention because every other ecommerce site and retailer in the world is working their hardest to get consumer eyeballs on their deals too. 

And all of that in the space of just a few days.

No worries, though. From a secret subject line sauce to 40 subject line ideas, we’ve got you covered. This blog post will give you all the weapons you need to arm your holiday sale emails for victory in the most combative of battles: the Black Friday weekend inbox.

Use this secret sauce for Black Friday email subject lines

Your subject lines have only one job to do. 

Get your subscribers to open your fabulous Black Friday emails, which will then encourage them to click and convert. 

The secret to email subject lines for Thanksgiving weekend?

Directness + urgency = OPENS

These two ingredients when combined make the perfect sauce for catapulting your subject line to success.

Now, directness and urgency are, at other times of the year or for other types of campaigns, not always the best recipe for subject lines. 

Sometimes direct and urgent subject lines may feel too ham-fisted or boring even. Some campaigns call for intriguing subject lines that utilize the curiosity gap or tell a joke and leave the reader hanging for the punchline.


When it comes to Black Friday newsletters, the battle of the inbox is vicious. Just look at the one below.

Screenshot of an inbox showing Black Friday email subject lines.


This holiday sales period has different rules because of the sheer amount of money changing hands in such a short space of time. With so many post-Thanksgiving campaigns in the space of just five days – Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and Giving Tuesday – consumers are overwhelmed with ways to spend their money. 

And spending their money is something consumers truly want to do. In 2022, U.S. consumers spent a record $9.12 billion of their hard-earned cash on the web on Black Friday. 

But all your competitors know this too. Your customers are being positively pummeled by promotions in their inboxes. 

There’s no time to be subtle. 

A winning combination for your subject lines this Black Friday Cyber Monday weekend

  • Directness: Tell subscribers exactly what you have for them. What percentage is your discount? Are you offering free shipping? Which specific brands are going on sale?

Your offer itself has to do the heavy lifting in attracting their attention. 

Consumers are going to be scanning hundreds of sales, meaning your deal has to be good enough to convince them to open your campaign. 

  • Urgency: The Black Friday weekend itself creates urgency. 

That’s why it’s such an effective time of year for retail and ecommerce. Consumers are expecting rock-bottom deals that only run for a limited time during this kickoff to the holiday season.

This may seem like an obvious point, but you have to signal to your subscribers that your email campaign relates to Black Friday or whichever post-Thanksgiving sale you’re taking part in. 

In other words, remember that using a catchy phrase including “Black Friday” or “Cyber Monday sale” as your subject line will increase your open rate.

Boost your Black Friday/Cyber Monday open rates with these words

Be direct with your subject line by conveying the most important information about what you’re offering your customers. 

Use enticing words like the ones below, proven to boost opens on Black Friday weekend:

  • Sale
  • Offer
  • X% off
  • Free shipping 
  • Markdown
  • Closeout

Note, however, that if you’re offering a discount, it’s worth putting the markdown percentage in the subject line only if it’s 50% or higher.

Anything less won’t move subscribers at this time of year. (Unless they love your brand truly, madly, deeply. But if that’s the case, then they’ll open just about anything you send them, including “You Jane. Me Email.”)

Then add a phrase that creates a sense of urgency:

  • Black Friday 
  • Cyber Monday
  • Small Business Saturday
  • Giving Tuesday
  • Only X hours left
  • For the next X hours only
  • X more hours until …
  • Soon
  • Midnight
  • Ends
  • Won’t last

Signal your sale with a Black Friday emoji

Email emojis are also a good, subtle way to signal Black Friday sales in your subject lines. Anything colored black can indicate to subscribers the Black Friday context of your email.

For example…

Steal these email subject lines for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

To put it all together, here are 40 subject lines, paired with the occasional preheader text, to help you create your own taglines for your brand’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales.

Note: One email promoting your sale is never enough! You can kickstart your campaign with a series of pre-Black Friday teaser emails, as well as reminders during your sale.

Here are some phases to consider: 

  1. T-7 days: Announce your deals/offer sneak peeks
  2. T-48 hours: Remind your subscribers of your deals 
  3. T-24 hours: Open your deals early for VIPs 
  4. Going live: Call your subscribers to action
  5. Halfway point: Remind your subscribers that time is running out

Bonus tip: Use a countdown timer in your email design to add to the urgency created by your subject line

40 subject lines for every type of holiday sale campaign

Whether you’re building suspense for the launch of your Black Friday sale, or sending Cyber Monday emails, we’ve got you covered with some of the best email subject lines to inspire your own. 

Plus there are a few extras thrown in — for anyone also planning email campaigns for Giving Tuesday or Small Business Saturday.

Related read: What’s email preheader?

Pre-Black Friday teaser subject lines

  • Just 48 hours left until your favorite? Friday?
    • Preheader: Have you seen our deals on Gucci, Prada, and Chanel?
  • Don’t break the bank this Black Friday 
  • Ready to flex your power shopping muscles this Black Friday?
    • Preheader: All protein powders at ½ price
  • Ready to Get Your? Holiday Shopping ? On?
    • Preheader: Don’t start without looking at these Black Friday deals
  • Free in-store goodies for the first 50 Black Friday shoppers!
    • Preheader: Doors open at 8 a.m.

VIP sale subject lines

  • Get an exclusive sneak peek at our Black Friday sales
    • Preheader: Start that shopping list now!
  • Can you keep a secret, Sam? VIP access to Cyber Week sales!
  • Only for You, Sara: An Early Access Pass to Our Cyber Monday Sales
    • Preheader: Browse sales 24 hours before everyone else!
  • Psst … Cyber Monday Starts Tomorrow. Use These Secret Discount Codes!

Launching your Black Friday promotions

  • Free Shipping. Check. Up to 50% Off. Check. Black Friday. Check.
  • We can’t take it anymore! These Black Friday deals on electronics are too good!
  • Get. In. Here. Now. The Black Friday Sale Has Arrived!
  • So … we went a bit crazy with our markdowns. Black Friday deals like never before!
  • 50. 70. 90% off. No, we’re not kidding
    • Preheader: Grab these Black Friday deals now!
  • Psst … 25 Black Friday Sales You Must See to Believe?
  • Unbelievable bargains this Black Friday!
    • Preheader: Seriously, you don’t want to miss these brands
  • Get these Black Friday deals before they’re gone!
    • Preheader: 50% off select menswear

Last chance subject lines

  • Deals like these are not going to last. Black Friday ends soon
  • Don’t walk. Run! 5 hours left to save big for Black Friday!
  • Up to 75% off all appliances for the next 48 hours only!
  • Is it too late to save for Cyber Monday? ⏳ Definitely not!
    • Preheader: 50–75% off all children’s toys for the next 3 hours
  • Hey, Night Owls. Cyber Monday Ends at Midnight!

Small Business Saturday email subject lines

  • All current NYT bestsellers 50% off this Small Business Saturday
    • Preheader: Shop local this holiday season
  • Shop small, save big this Small Business Saturday
  • Small Business. Big Bargains. This Saturday Only.
  • Free coffee with every purchase this Small Business Saturday
  • Support a local business AND save a ton this Small Business Saturday
  • Don’t miss our in-store fun and games this Small Business Saturday!

Cyber Monday email subject lines to promote your sale

  • Set your alarms now for our Cyber Monday sale
    • Preheader: Unmissable deals for one day only 
  • Our extended return policy makes Cyber Monday shopping stress free!
    • Preheader: Return all purchases for up to 60 days. No questions asked
  • Skip to the front of the line! Free shipping on Cyber Monday deals
  • Achieve shopping zen with these Cyber Monday online discounts
  • Cyber Monday Sales Start in 3 … 2 … 1
  • These Cyber Monday travel deals are supersonic!
    • Preheader: Book your holiday getaway now before they’re gone
  • These Cyber Week bargains might not last until Friday
    • Preheader: Browse deeply discounted shoes and jackets!

Giving Tuesday email subject lines

  • Consumption driving you crazy? Donate to a good cause this Giving Tuesday
  • Solve holiday list anxiety by giving the gift of giving this year
    • Preheader: Donate for Christmas in the name of a loved one on Giving Tuesday
  • How about giving instead of getting? 
    • Preheader: Donate today for Giving Tuesday 
  • Our secret sponsor will match all donations this Giving Tuesday
    • Preheader: For the next 24 hours only!
  • Enter to win free prizes when you donate on Giving Tuesday

Related: 100 Back to School Email Subject Lines That Boost Sales

Stand out in the inbox with your Black Friday email subject lines

Now you know what ingredients go into the secret sauce that will have you tasting Black Friday marketing perfection, along with 40 fully prepared Black Friday subject lines to inspire you. Go forth and find victory in the furious battle of the inbox.

And if you’re looking for an easy-to-use yet powerful platform to send your holiday sale emails this year, be sure to check out Brevo.

Win Black Friday this year with Brevo

Free plan includes access to all core email features, 300 emails/day, 40+ email templates, and customizable signup forms to grow your blog email list.

Open my free Brevo account now >>

The post 40 Black Friday & Cyber Monday Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Open Rate appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

Christmas Email Marketing: Examples & Ideas to Captivate Customers Wed, 02 Aug 2023 12:06:00 +0000 Christmas is both a great time for business and a chance to connect with customers. Add some cheer to your Christmas email marketing campaigns to warm your customers’ hearts and drive sales this holiday season. season. There’s no question that Christmas is a huge time for sales. Last year consumers planned to spend an average […]

The post Christmas Email Marketing: Examples & Ideas to Captivate Customers appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

Christmas is both a great time for business and a chance to connect with customers. Add some cheer to your Christmas email marketing campaigns to warm your customers’ hearts and drive sales this holiday season. season.

There’s no question that Christmas is a huge time for sales. Last year consumers planned to spend an average of $950.5 on gifts and other holiday-related items.

Christmas is also a time for giving and togetherness. For many who celebrate the holiday, Christmas is full of nostalgia and happy memories. Some of the best Christmas email marketing campaigns tap into these emotions to engage subscribers.

This strategy is great for generating customer loyalty — 82% of consumers with a strong emotional bond with a company are likely to buy the same products again and again.

To drive sales, boost open rates, and build stronger customer relationships, try getting into the holiday spirit! Here are a few Christmas email examples and ideas to get you started. 

Christmas email examples and ideas

Christmas email marketing campaigns are a great way to connect with customers and drive sales during the busy holiday season. 

To inspire your campaigns, here are a few Christmas newsletter ideas and examples of emails that play up the Christmas spirit to engage subscribers.

Make it about the giftee

The Christmas season is a time of giving. Nothing beats the look of joy on your giftee’s face when they open your present.

Christmas shoppers are always looking for the perfect holiday gift to make their loved ones smile. Target them in your Christmas email marketing campaigns by centering your messaging around the giftee like this Christmas email example by Everlane.

Christmas email example for business and marketing.


Offer a Christmas gift

Customers also like to get presents, right? Offer your customers a Christmas gift during this festive season to make their Christmas shopping even more rewarding. 

Like any Christmas gift, a special discount or freebie is a small gesture that goes a long way. It’s a token of appreciation that your customers will thank you for.

It also brings a delightful surprise to your subscriber’s inbox. This will make them more likely to support your business even after the Christmas season ends. Take a look at this Christmas email idea by Starbucks to see how it’s done.

Christmas email example


Send season’s greetings

Sending season’s greetings is one of the easiest and most effective ways to spread Christmas cheer during this festive time of the year.

Think of this Christmas email campaign as a Christmas card. It’s one way to wish your customers Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. You can also thank them for their support over the past year.

Christmas email example with Santa Claus hugging a snowman on a red background.


This Christmas email example is a short and sweet holiday email that simply wishes subscribers a happy new year and some holiday cheer. They make it personal with a couple of emojis and a handwritten sign-off by the owners.

Grant your customer’s wishes

Nothing brings out your inner child like writing up your Christmas wishlist. Play the part of Santa Claus this year and use your Christmas email campaign to grant your customers’ Christmas wishes.

Start by asking your customers what’s on their wishlist, like in the example below.

Christmas email example


Share a yearly roundup

Christmas takes place at the end of the year. It’s a time for looking back at the months before, as well as looking forward to the new year ahead.

In your Christmas email newsletter, try sending a yearly roundup. Share any milestones you or your customers might have reached. Christmas is full of holiday nostalgia, so don’t be afraid to thank your customers for joining you on your journey.

a Christmas email example showing end of year achievements for an environmental company.


Focus on Christmas memories

Christmas isn’t just about the gifts. Often, it’s about the memories you make with your loved ones while gathered around a Christmas tree.

For many families, Christmas is one of the few holidays in the year when everyone can be together. Christmas memories are precious to all — try putting them front and center of your Christmas email marketing campaigns (and don’t forget to show your special offer).

Christmas email example showing family photos in a calendar.


Bring customers together around a cause

Christmas is a time of giving. It’s also a time to give back. This holiday season, try partnering with an organization or cause that’s important to you and your business.

Your Christmas email campaign is a great way to share the cause with your customers as well as encourage their support.

Christmas email example for a nonprofit.


Related: Holiday and Christmas Email Subject Lines for Higher Open Rates

Christmas email marketing strategies

This time of year, Christmas deals, greetings, and promotions flood our inboxes. The last thing you want is to miss out on a chance to connect with customers.

Make your Christmas email stand out with these tried-and-true holiday email marketing strategies.

Offer Christmas gift cards

Gift cards are one of the most popular Christmas presents for a reason. They’re great as last-minute gifts and are sure to please even the pickiest giftees.

Use your holiday email campaign to promote your gift cards to Christmas shoppers. This Christmas email from Friends or Friends is a great example.

Christmas email example for last-minute gift cards by Friends or Friends.

Created with Brevo

Target last-minute shoppers

Between Christmas travel and never-ending shopping lists, the winter holidays are hectic for everyone. If you offer last-minute deals on Christmas gifts, you’re sure to win your customers’ hearts.

This campaign from JK Adams gives last-minute gift ideas to inspire subscribers and take the stress out of the holiday shopping experience.

Christmas email last-minute ideas showing decorations.

Created with Brevo

Count down the 12 days of Christmas

Unlike some other holidays, Christmas has a special countdown. Build excitement by counting down the 12 days of Christmas and sharing a holiday discount or limited-time deal one day at a time.

Christmas email example by a clothing company. This email shows 12 days of deals and is in all pink.


Share gift guides

One of the hardest parts of Christmas is finding the perfect gift to offer your loved ones. Why not save your subscribers the hassle?

In your Christmas email marketing campaign, try sharing a gift guide like in this email from Lily & Roo. It’s the perfect way to showcase your products — and your customers will thank you for it!

A business Christmas email example showing a gift guide.

Created with Brevo

Offer free shipping

One of the most enticing Christmas gifts you can offer your customers is free shipping. It’s one way to stand out against the competition — and win a place in your customers’ hearts.

Looking at last year’s trends 91% of customers considered free shipping to be the most important incentive for online shopping during the holiday season.

To avoid missing out on these sales, promote free shipping in your Christmas email campaigns.

Christmas email for marketing offering free shipping.


Promote gifts according to different budgets

Most customers want to give thoughtful Christmas gifts without breaking the bank. Make it easier for them this holiday season. Share gift ideas according to different budgets. (For example, gifts under $25.)

A Christmas newsletter is a great way to share your budget-friendly gift lists, like in this example from Be Everthine.

Marketing Christmas email showing budget gift ideas.

Created with Brevo

Hold a limited-time sale

The holidays are a time for sales and offers. Compete with other offers without devaluing your product by running a limited-time sale. 

Share the dates of your sale and include a coupon code so your subscribers have everything they need to bring their gifts home. Top it off with a CTA that creates a sense of urgency, like in this Christmas email example by Rifle Paper Co.

This is a marketing Christmas email that shows a sale for 30% off. The image has Santa Claus on a sleigh over a snowy village.

Run a post-Christmas sale

The festivities don’t have to end on December 25th! Make the holidays last a little longer with a post-Christmas sale.

Offer additional discounts and last chance deals — don’t forget to send a post-Christmas email campaign to warn customers not to miss out.

A marketing email, specifically a post-Christmas email for a sale.


Make Christmas puns

When it comes to holiday email marketing campaigns, clever email copy goes a long way in driving sales and boosting open rates.

The Christmas season offers countless opportunities for puns and wordplay. When in doubt, look to typical holiday greetings and Christmas music lyrics for inspiration.

A marketing Christmas email example selling beverages.


Further reading: A How-to Guide for The Perfect Holiday Marketing Strategy

Get your Christmas email ready

No holiday marketing campaign is complete without a festive Christmas email design.

With Brevo, create the perfect Christmas email marketing campaign with the easy-to-use drag-and-drop email editor or customize it in HTML. And if you need inspiration, choose a free Christmas email template from our library of free holiday email marketing templates and get your campaign running in no time.

Launch your Christmas email marketing campaign with Brevo

Get started sending email campaigns with Brevo. Free plan includes core email marketing features, unlimited contacts, 300 emails/day, and over 40 email templates.

Open my free Brevo account now >>

The post Christmas Email Marketing: Examples & Ideas to Captivate Customers appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

8 Steps to Creating a CRM Strategy for Your Business Tue, 01 Aug 2023 13:31:00 +0000 A CRM strategy sounds intimidating to many small businesses. Is it about technology or about sales? How high-level should it be? Fear not. We’ll walk you through the basics to help you start your successful CRM strategy from scratch. What is a CRM strategy? A Customer Relationship Management strategy is a plan to grow sales […]

The post 8 Steps to Creating a CRM Strategy for Your Business appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

A CRM strategy sounds intimidating to many small businesses. Is it about technology or about sales? How high-level should it be?

Fear not.

We’ll walk you through the basics to help you start your successful CRM strategy from scratch.

What was once the traditional buyer-seller model has shifted from transactional to customer-centric. Customer relationships today require higher levels of maintenance, which is why businesses now have entire CRM strategies dedicated to managing them.

One of the reasons is that consumers have bigger expectations than ever when it comes to customer service. They’re not going to think twice about going elsewhere if yours isn’t up to scratch.

When we hear the words ‘CRM strategy’, we’re inclined to think about CRM software or CRM technology. But software is only one piece of a much larger puzzle.

The best strategic customer relationship management incorporates both people and software. It also includes pieces such as:

  • CRM data (such as contact information)
  • Management tools
  • Marketing efforts

What will CRM strategy do for my business?

There a number of reasons why your business needs a CRM marketing strategy.

A good CRM strategy will help you:

  • Provide an enjoyable customer experience at all touchpoints of the customer journey, leading to customer loyalty
  • Strengthen collaboration between sales, marketing, and customer service teams
  • Clearly and quickly identify the most worthwhile leads and opportunities, and move them down the sales pipeline with the help of marketing automation
  • Keep track of your leads and customers as they move through the sales funnel
  • Run targeted marketing campaigns 
  • Provide data insights for sales forecasting and inform your future business strategies

Read more: 8 Key CRM Benefits for Small Businesses

How to create a CRM strategy from zero

There are 8 essential steps to follow when creating an effective CRM strategy from scratch. 

Step 1: Define your CRM strategy vision and goals

The first thing to do before creating a CRM strategy is to revisit your overall business strategy and high-level business goals.  

Create a vision of what you want to achieve from the CRM strategy. That way it has a clear purpose from the very beginning. 

Think about how you want to contribute to the success of your business.

Increased customer satisfaction, higher productivity and efficiency, and decreasing customer churn rates are all examples of common CRM strategy goals.

Remember, your CRM strategy is not an end in itself. It exists to drive business goals. So you need to integrate it into the overall strategy of the business.

2. Define your target customer with buyer personas

customer profile in a CRM


Create a buyer persona that represents your ideal customer based on market research and the marketing team’s collective insights. Make it as detailed as possible. Include customer information such as demographic and behavioral characteristics, as well as interests, challenges, and aspirations.

Here are some research methods you can use:

  • Interview your sales and customer service teams 
  • Study different customer profiles and even interview customers directly
  • Send customer surveys

To maintain strong customer relationships and attract quality leads, you need to understand exactly who is purchasing from you and why.

Having a clearly defined buyer profile is essential to becoming a customer-centric business. It’s key to ensuring your teams are focused on the true needs and expectations of your customers.

That’s not all. Knowing exactly who to target will also ensure your sales and marketing don’t waste time on unsuitable leads.

Step 3: Define your customer journey

Customer journey example

Customer journey example from GCH Hotel Group (source)

To master customer relationship management, you need to know each and every step of the customer journey. Then you need to ensure a top notch customer experience at each of those touchpoints.

Start at the beginning.

Map every single customer interaction from the moment they first discover you. It might be through digital ad campaigns, email marketing, direct contact with team members, or other processes.

This is where you’ll highlight areas for improvement and establish who is responsible for what.

When mapping each stage of the buyer journey, ask yourself:

  • Which team/process is interacting with the customer at that moment?
  • How can these interactions be improved?
  • Look at the buyer personas developed in Step 2. Based on what you know about your customer, is this his or her preferred means of communication? Could there be a more effective way to get your message across?
  • What’s the customer trying to achieve?
  • What challenges does the customer face? How can you offer better support?
  • What content is the customer coming into contact with?

Step 4: Plan how to provide a 360° customer experience

Your CRM strategy planning so far should have highlighted the areas that need improvement.

Now you’re going to look at the structure of your internal processes. Do you have the resources in place to provide a 360-degree customer experience?

Do an audit of roles and responsibilities to check all the necessary bases are being covered.

Here are examples areas to optimize processes:

  • Presales: How are you doing when it comes to analyzing customer needs, gathering information, and putting together business cases?
  • Sales processes: What sales tasks can be automated to increase efficiency?
  • Customer relationship management: Are your offers tailored to your customers’ needs? Are your communications personalized and relevant?
  • After-sales: Have you got the necessary support systems in place to resolve customer problems quickly? What feedback do you receive on the quality of your customer service? Do you need to be able to follow-up with customers regularly?

In short, ask yourself ‘How can I do it better?’ and then make the necessary changes within your organization.

Step 5: Study the market and decide your positioning

It’s always a good idea to look to the competitive landscape for inspiration when developing CRM strategies.

Ask yourself:

  • Where does your company fit into the market?
  • What is your unique selling proposition (i.e. what makes you different from others in your space?)
  • How do your competitors differentiate themselves?
  • What opportunities exist?
  • Can you learn anything about how your competitors handle customer relationships?
  • What are the trends in your industry right now?

Step 6: Know your product or service

Take the time to revise and develop your product/service narrative and elaborate your value proposition.

What are the messages you want to transmit? What benefits do you want to highlight? Why should a customer choose you over your competitors?

Communicate this narrative internally and implement employee training where necessary. Everyone needs to be on the same page, relaying the same message.

This is also a good opportunity to define your brand tone of voice and put in place best practice guidelines for communicating with customers.

Step 7: Implement CRM software

It’s impossible to drive forward your CRM strategy without a CRM software for your business.

A CRM system streamlines collaboration between teams, stores customer data, and tracks all interactions between you.

adding contacts

A CRM solution streamlines contact management

To choose a CRM platform, evaluate your existing business processes and get input from your various teams. The main factors to be considered are price, capabilities, and ease of use. It’s also important to choose a CRM tool that integrates with the other marketing tools you use. 

Good news – Brevo’s Sales Platform is now available for free!

As a part of the Brevo CRM Suite, the Sales Platform is fully integrated with the other marketing channels offered in it. Manage deals in the pipeline and assign tasks to your salesforce for a more effective workflow.

If you already use Brevo for marketing, communication history will appear in each contact profile along with engagement metrics. You can set task reminders and send emails directly from the contact profile page.

With the Meetings feature, you can also create custom booking landing pages and schedule demos, consultation sessions, and other meetings directly with potential customers.

Once you have the software, define best practices to support your outlined CRM strategy. Designate an admin to manage user access. When and how will your teams use this software? What would be the experience for your customer base?

Then, set up what counts as a lead, a prospect, or opportunity according to your CRM strategy. Remember to clean your contact list before importing it to start off with an organized and up-to-date database.

Step 8: Set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

deal pipeline win probablity

All strategic actions need to be backed up by figures and data – and your CRM strategy is no exception. You need to be able to measure its progress.

You outlined your CRM strategy goals back in Step 1. Now you’re going to give your sales team some concrete targets to work towards. 

Remember to set smart goals for your marketing and sales teams. S.M.A.R.T stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.

Examples of performance metrics you may wish to include are:

  • Customer satisfaction
  • Customer retention
  • Customer churn (when a customer leaves the company)
  • Profits (overall total, totals per customer/account)

The success of your CRM strategy depends on the levels of engagement and collaboration of your teams. 

Get your employees on board from the beginning. Keep them informed, educated, and up to date on all aspects of your CRM strategy.

Launch your CRM strategy today

A well-thought out CRM strategy will do wonders for your customer retention and bottom line.

Follow the 8 steps above and you’ll be well on your way to customer relationship management success. And the best CRM is the one fitting your business needs and budget.

Try Brevo’s FREE Sales Platform

Unlimited contacts, deal pipeline management, tasks, inbox, automation, meeting scheduling — all free forever.

Open my free Brevo account now >>

The post 8 Steps to Creating a CRM Strategy for Your Business appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

7 Best SMTP Servers for Email Marketers (2023) Tue, 01 Aug 2023 12:37:25 +0000 High email deliverability, bulk email sending, increased security — if that sounds like what you’re looking for, you need a SMTP server. High-volume email senders need something more reliable than a basic email marketing platform. SMTP service providers enable you to send bulk email campaigns and transactional messages at high speed, without having to worry […]

The post 7 Best SMTP Servers for Email Marketers (2023) appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).

High email deliverability, bulk email sending, increased security — if that sounds like what you’re looking for, you need a SMTP server.

High-volume email senders need something more reliable than a basic email marketing platform. SMTP service providers enable you to send bulk email campaigns and transactional messages at high speed, without having to worry about deliverability issues. 

We’ve reviewed the best SMTP service providers for high-volume sending and transactional emails here. Read on to find the best service provider for your company.

What the best SMTP servers do

A Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server is an application that sends emails from senders’ to recipients’ email servers. Simply put, SMTP transfers emails across the internet. 

There are regular SMTP servers, like Gmail or Outlook, and dedicated SMTP relay servers, like Brevo (formerly Sendinblue). While Gmail is good for sending personal emails and one-on-one business messages, sending bulk email campaigns and transactional emails is best with a dedicated SMTP server. 

SMTP service use cases

You need a professional SMTP services if you:

  • want to send large volumes of emails, e.g. mass emails
  • want to send transactional emails
  • need high deliverability rates
  • want to send emails from your site or app

For more details, check our guide to what SMTP server is.

So how do SMTP servers work? 

Without going too deep into the technical details, here’s what happens when you send a business email through an SMTP server:

  1. Your Mail User Agent, or mail client, connects to your SMTP server.
  2. The mail client communicates with the SMTP server and gets all the necessary information about the sender and recipient.
  3. The Mail Delivery Agent takes the message information and sends it in a proper format to the receiving mail client.
  4. The message reaches the receiving Mail Delivery Agent’s inbox.

The top SMTP servers at a glance

Choosing an SMTP server

How do you choose the right SMTP server as a non-tech specialist? Actually, you don’t have to be tech-savvy to choose and successfully use an SMTP relay server for your campaigns. You just need to be aware of the following factors.

Deliverability rate

High deliverability is the number one reason why anyone uses an SMTP server. The SMTP technology ensures better deliverability than regular marketing campaigns. 

So check reviews to make sure users don’t report deliverability issues. Then, send a few trial campaigns and use a deliverability testing tool to measure it yourself.

Sender reputation

Without a solid sender reputation, you can’t expect high deliverability from an SMTP server. It’s important that your SMTP relay server provides all the necessary tools for maintaining your sending IP address and helps you avoid recipients’ spam folders. 

A proper SMTP server requires new account validation, enables domain name authentication, and follows email authentication protocols (SPF, DKIM, and DMARC).

Log retention

Retention logs are the metrics of the campaigns you send. It’s best that your SMTP email service retains logs for as long as possible. This way, you can always go back and check them if issues arise. 

Most SMTP servers have a 30-day retention period. Some apps, like Brevo, allow for unlimited log retention, enabling users to configure their retention period by themselves.

Ease of use

An SMTP server should be easily accessible by non-tech marketers and business owners as well as tech-savvy developers. It’s supposed to simplify the process of email sending, not overcomplicate it. 

A user-friendly interface, responsive support, and proper onboarding are among the key features you should be looking for in your SMTP server.

Transactional email templates and design

It’s not only your marketing campaigns that need to look nice. It’s equally important to brand transactional emails to reinforce brand trust and loyalty.

The best SMTP services offer ready-to-use email templates for various transactional purposes to get you started quickly. An intuitive email editor should also be available for non-tech users to create their own templates without coding.

Are there free SMTP servers?

Some SMTP servers are available for free. On this list, only Brevo and SendGrid offer free SMTP relay services.

The 7 Best SMTP services

We’ve compiled a list of the best SMTP service providers that help businesses to send large volumes of emails without roadblocks.

1. Brevo Transactional Email: The best SMTP service overall

“Needed an professional SMTP supplier with good delivery rate. Brevo is that perfect solution!” Review on G2

Marketing email workflow for a signup button on a website.

Brevo has a dedicated transactional email service. It lets you send the whole range of transactional emails:

  • Signup confirmations
  • Order confirmation emails
  • Password recovery emails
  • Payment confirmation emails
  • Bulk emails

Brevo has an established sender reputation among email clients, including Gmail and Outlook. It’s introduced all the necessary procedures to help you maintain your sender IP reputation. With Brevo’s SMTP server, you don’t have to worry about the deliverability of your emails.

On our Transactional Emails plan you get:

  • RESTful APIs, SMTP, webhooks
  • Email tracking and unlimited log retention
  • Dynamic templates for personalization
  • Drag-and-drop editor and a template gallery
  • Dedicated IPs
Email API showing a confirmation transactional email for a purchase on a website.

Brevo Transactional Email pros

  • Full control: Access dedicated IPs for high-volume senders. 
  • Sender reputation: Split transactional and promotional emails by sender or IP address.
  • User-friendly but open to developers too: The best SMTP service by Brevo doesn’t require technical skills to set up and run so it’s perfect for marketers. But if you need a custom solution, your developers are welcome to use our API.
  • Automation: Build automation workflows based on user activity and website behavior for omnichannel marketing tools such as email, SMS, and WhatsApp.
  • Unlimited log retention: Access logs and previews with no time limit.
  • Unlimited contacts: You don’t pay for the size of your email list.
  • Functionality: Brevo is more than an SMTP service — it’s a full CRM suite for growing businesses with capabilities for lead capture, email templates, A/B testing functionality, a drag-and-drop email editor, and other critical features for email marketers.
  • Integrations for ecommerce: SMTP plugins for WordPress websites and ecommerce platforms available for free to promptly send notifications and updates.
  • Quick and easy setup: Be up and running in no time without developer help.

Brevo Transactional Email cons

If you’re looking for an SMTP server without many bells and whistles, you might want to choose a more basic solution.

Brevo Transactional Email pricing

Brevo offers a free SMTP server. You can send up to 300 transactional emails and marketing messages per day without paying a cent. Paid plans for the transactional service only start at $15/month and include 20,000 emails per month with no daily sending limit. The marketing suite including both transactional and marketing emails starts at $25 for 20,000 emails a month.

2. Amazon SES

SMTP server tool

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a transactional and bulk email sending service. It allows developers to build email functionality into any application. It’s particularly good for companies that run applications on Amazon Web Service (AWS).

Amazon SES pros

  • Dedicated IP addresses: Request a dedicated IP address to manage your own IP reputation.
  • Reputation & deliverability dashboards: You can track issues impacting your reputation and delivery rates across two dashboards.
  • Mailbox Simulator: Run tests to see how your application handles different scenarios, such as bounces, unsubscribes, or complaints, without making a real impact on your sender reputation.
  • Affordable: Amazon SES doesn’t include typical marketing automation features, and therefore, the service is very cheap.

Amazon SES cons

  • The implementation process requires a lot of manual work.
  • Steep learning curve for non-tech users to set up and use Amazon SES.

Amazon SES pricing

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) offers a pay-as-you-go model, where you’re charged based on the number of emails sent and received. Pricing is $0.10 for every 1,000 emails. You can expect to pay extra for inbound emails, data usage, and other service fees on top.

3. SendGrid

SMTP tool

SendGrid is among the best SMTP servers. It provides an SMTP service for reliable delivery and scalability.

SendGrid pros

  • Reputation and delivery monitoring: Get insights into your sender reputation, delivery rates, and engagement analytics.
  • Real-time email analytics: Access real-time performance data in your personal dashboard or via API.
  • Documentation: The setup process is made easier with comprehensive documentation, open source libraries, and a clear setup flow. 
  • Segmentation: Segment email and SMS audiences alike.

SendGrid cons

  • After-sale support: Users report that the SendGrid support team isn’t very helpful when you sign up.
  • Pricing: Since being acquired by Twilio, SendGrid got more expensive. 

SendGrid pricing

SendGrid’s SMTP service is free for up to 100 emails/day. Along with SMTP relay, APIs and webhooks are also available on the free plan. To access more email credits, you can upgrade to a paid plan starting at $19.95/month for up to 50,000 monthly emails. 

Related: 5 Best SendGrid Alternatives for Transactional Email

4. Mailgun

SMTP server provider

Mailgun is a popular SMTP server, offering a set of powerful APIs for sending, receiving, and tracking emails. Known as a transactional email service “built for developers, by developers,” Mailgun has comprehensive API documentation and an easy SMTP integration.

Mailgun pros

  • Reliability: Mailgun is one of the most reliable services on the list.
  • Dedicated mail server: Send both marketing campaigns and transactional emails alike.
  • Real-time reporting: Access hourly data on your email performance.
  • Enterprise-focused solutions: Create a custom enterprise-grade solution for sending emails at scale.

Mailgun cons

  • Mailgun is built for developers. It’s not designed for non-tech teams. It’s a tech cloud-based SMTP service by Mailjet’s parent company Sinch.
  • On cheaper plans, the log retention period is only five days, and the minimum message retention period is one day.

Mailgun pricing

Mailgun doesn’t offer a forever-free plan. A free trial lasts for 30 days and includes 5,000 free emails. Email APIs, SMTP Relay, and webhooks can be accessed during a free trial and are included in every paid plan. Mailgun’s pricing plans at $35/month.

Read more: 7 Best Mailgun Alternatives For Transactional Emails

5. Postmark

SMTP service by Postmark

Postmark is ActiveCampaign’s SMTP service built for developers and product teams. The platform offers a simple but quality SMTP relay service for sending transactional email.

Postmark pros

  • Deliverability: Postmark has a narrow focus on deliverability, which means your transactional emails will most likely always be reaching recipients’ inboxes.
  • Control: Promotional campaigns and transactional emails are sent through separate sending infrastructure.
  • Documentation: Postmark offers concise documentation, making it easy to start sending emails using SMTP.
  • Message retention: Access email previews and recipient information within a 45-day window.

Postmark cons

Functionality: If you’re looking for an all-in-one marketing platform, Postmark won’t fit your needs.

Postmark pricing

Postmark doesn’t offer traditional packages and pricing tiers. You simply pay for email credits and access all the features, starting from $15/month for 10,000 emails. However, to get a dedicated IP address, DMARC monitoring, or custom activity retention, you’ll need to purchase an add-on for respectively $50, $10, or $5 per month.

6. Mailchimp (Mandrill)

SMTP service

Mailchimp Transactional Email (formerly Mandrill) is Mailchimp’s add-on providing SMTP and transactional email services. It counts among the best SMTP servers if you’re already using Mailchimp.

Mailchimp Transactional Email pros

  • Functionality: If you need a comprehensive marketing automation solution, Mailchimp might be a good (but pricey) option, and the add-on makes sense.
  • Email tracking: The platform lets you track the key metrics, like deliverability rates, bounce issues, click rates, and other stats.
  • Deliverability: Similar to other SMTP servers, Mailchimp Transactional Email has no problems with email delivery.

Mailchimp Transactional Email cons

Pricing: to access the SMTP service, you’ll need to pay for Mailchimp’s email marketing functionality and buy transactional email credits as an add-on.

Mailchimp Transactional Email pricing

Mailchimp has a free plan with a sending limit of 1,000 emails and limited features. To access Mailchimp Transactional Email, you need to be on the paid Mailchimp marketing plan (starting from $13/month) and purchase transactional email credits at prices from $20 for a block of 20,000 emails/month. New users can send 500 transactional emails for free. 

Find out more: Best Mailchimp Alternatives Compared

7. MessageBird Email (formerly SparkPost)

messagebird SMTP service

MessageBird acquired SparkPost, a heavy-duty SMTP server. It’s more of a B2B, email-for-email companies software, used for large volumes of bulk emails.

MessageBird Email pros

  • Handles huge volumes: Probably the biggest bulk sender
  • Reliability: Great uptime of 99.99%
  • Trustworthy: Big names from many industries rely on its technology

MessageBird Email cons

  • For big players only: Small businesses may feel underappreciated by a service that handles such large clients
  • Too complex: As a tech-focused platform, it can be overwhelming for non-tech users.
  • Coding skills needed: You need to code your emails as there’s no drag-and-drop email editor.

MessageBird Email pricing

MessageBird Email does offer free SMTP test accounts with limited sending volumes. Plans start at $20/month for 50,000 emails and next tier at $75 with premium features.

The best SMTP server for your business

What are you looking for in your SMTP server? An API-based solution back-end solution to plug into your own system? An add-on to connect with your current email marketing platform? Or a complete email and SMTP service with automation capabilities? Then try out Brevo. 

The post 7 Best SMTP Servers for Email Marketers (2023) appeared first on Brevo (ex Sendinblue).
