Helping e-commerce businesses track their customers' journey

On a mission to help ecommerce businesses launch and grow with the use of AI-powered solutions,  retail tech start-up WARPSPD collects data and applies analytical tools to track customer journeys and engagement levels across every touch point in the retail space. After gathering this information, the company then focuses on acquiring new users with highly personalized retargeting campaigns. 

According to Shourya Magotra, Director of Product at WARPSPD, the company’s current focus is to expand their US client base, adding new names to their already impressive portfolio which includes Apple, GAP and BoConcept.

Shourya explains how Brevo has helped the company’s operations and growth by being the only email marketing platform offering a solution that allows them to manage multiple sub-accounts, whilst remaining flexible, user-friendly, and competitively priced.

A secure and reliable solution to manage sub-accounts

From an operational point of view, the company had a need to send communication campaigns after data collection and analysis within their own platform, which generates personalized messages for each user. Given the large volume of data collected and the high level of personalization they need for the campaigns of each of their clients, WARPSPD was looking for a solution that would comply with its technical and security requirements and offered sub-accounts in a centralized platform.

After taking a look at various options on the market, they discovered that Brevo’s Enterprise solution checked all the boxes in terms of their IT requirements. The flexibility of having a dedicated IP for each sub-account, for example, was definitely one of our requirements when searching for a solution, explains Shourya.The price and user-friendly interface were major factors in our decision to choose Brevo,” he adds.

Dedicated support and easy integration

WARPSPD got started with Brevo at the end of 2018. At the time, it was extremely important to the company’s CTO to review all the technical requirements with Brevo’s commercial team, who gave a presentation detailing the platform’s features and specifications. According to Shourya, “This process was quick and easy,” and they were ready to implement the solution just a few days later.

WARPSPD’s primary goal for the platform was sending transactional emails and SMS, which meant they needed to integrate their own platform with Brevo’s. Thanks to a powerful and robust API, this integration was quick and easy and allows them to share data across platforms. “Having real-time analytics regarding our transactional emails and being able to confirm the on-time delivery are both very important to us,” explains Shourya.

According to the Product Director, the email feature is very stable and straightforward to use. Shourya shares how there have never been any issues from his team while building emails on the platform. The dashboard also gives him a very clear overview of how his clients are using their credits in the platform, so it is easy to track each sub-account’s usage.

Having chosen dedicated IPs for each sub-account, WARPSPD’s team needed to complete an IP warming process to avoid deliverability issues. Shourya explains how the support from their Customer Success Manager helped them with this important step: “When we had to do the IP warming, our dedicated Customer Success Manager was really proactive in sharing with us all the best practices, explaining how we need to warm up the IPs, how to create the campaigns, the promotions and the transactions. We have never gotten any red flags or warnings from customers or our analytics about our emails landing in the spam folder,” says the Product Director.

Shourya highlights how important the relationship with their Customer Success Manager has been, not only in handling minor issues, but also for planning ahead thanks to Brevo’s proactive approach.

A significant increase in deliverability and enhanced control

A year on, Shourya reports a deliverability rate increase between 5 and 10%. The company’s current focus is on achieving strong deliverability rates for both email and SMS, as well as gaining more user subscriptions as they grow in different markets. 

Shourya acknowledges that features such as automation have many uses in a sector like ecommerce and retail technology. As the company implements automation into their strategy, having the support of their dedicated Customer Success Manager at Brevo will make all the difference. “We’re looking forward to continuing to get excellent support from the Brevo team, it will be crucial to achieve success in our campaigns,” adds Shourya. 

Another important element for WARPSPD, has been having a user-friendly and self-explanatory platform they feel they are in control of. For Shourya’s team, the ability to customize the branding of the platform has been instrumental in maintaining their image aligned across teams and markets. Besides, it took the team only a few minutes to explore the platform and uncover the functionalities and features: The simplicity is really admirable. When we came across the transactional emails, it was very intuitive to learn how to use everything, how to move our transactional emails to the platform and to use the analytics from the transactional emails reports,”concludes the Product Director. 

Company Information

Founded in 2019 and based between California and Noida, India, WARPSPD is a start-up specializing in retail and e-commerce technology. Offering a diverse portfolio of leading cloud-base technologies, WARPSPD helps companies across the world increase revenues with the use of AI and mobile solutions, which are crucial in today's highly competitive and digitized retail landscape.

  • Industry: Computer Software / Technology
  • Company Size: 100 employees
  • Location: Pleasanton, California and Noida, India
  • Website:
  • Plan: BrevoPlus

Shourya Magotra, Product Director at WARPSPD

“At WARPSPD we see Brevo as a great partner who has helped us in the past with our growth, and we're keen to continue this journey together.”

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