Enhancing internal communications through email marketing

For over 25 years, the France Pare-Brise Network has fixed and replaced windshields and window panes for vehicles in France, offering a wide range of added value services such as temporary vehicle swap, at-home service, and camera calibration. 

With 180 independent owners and over 360 repair centers across the country, the brand has accelerated its digital transformation since its acquisition by the Saint-Gobain group in 2016.  

In 2019, the marketing team at France Pare-Brise chose Brevo to help reinforce their communication activities with their network, as well as their insurers, who represent the main promoters of the brand. 

A platform for more personalized communication

Driven by a mission to support their members in a more personalized way, the marketing team at France Pare-Brise was looking for a robust, yet easy-to-use platform that would allow them to use email marketing as a channel for internal communication with their member repair centers. “We needed an email marketing tool to improve the communication with our network and talk about life in our headquarters and regions.

In order to achieve this goal, the marketing team wanted to increase their understanding of repair center issues, as well as be able to offer more personalized content based on the member’s region. 

Easy to implement, easy to use

The marketing team at France Pare-Brise had an easy time getting started on the platform. “We did everything online, there was no need to speak with a sales advisor, it was really easy.” The upload of their contacts also went smoothly; “We used the Excel template provided on the platform, and we were able to choose the profile information that we wanted to include and our contacts were uploaded on their own!

The team sends several newsletters a year: “With the help of Regional Managers, we promote the day-to-day of our centers. We conduct interviews, whether members or headquarters team members. The objective is to share our life within France Pare-Brise!

Every center in the France Pare-Brise network has its own email address. “Our newsletters are aimed at all employees, from the technician to the assistant.” There is also a dedicated email for owners, used for more confidential communications. Thanks to Brevo’s segmentation feature, the marketing team can easily choose which audience they want to send their campaigns to. 

In addition, the marketing team sends out multiple one-off campaigns to promote their own initiatives. This was the case recently when they launched their new intranet platform. Finally, the team uses Brevo to send campaigns to insurers, who are the first promoters of the France Pare-Brise brand, as well as their fleet partners. 

The team is very happy with how easy the platform is to use, especially when it comes to creating email templates.Our graphic designer creates the banners and we add them to the template, it’s very intuitive, there aren’t any complex elements, we know exactly where we need to position each block.” In addition, the team appreciates that they can find answers to their questions either using the white papers, or the online help center. “We were looking to add a countdown to one of our campaigns and Brevo had actually written an article on this topic, we thought it was very practical.

A solution that delivers results

The Brevo platform allows the marketing team to focus on very specific topics within their campaigns, such as the intranet launch for instance. “Our communications have been well received by the network and the headquarters staff.” 

In addition, the marketing team thinks the solution is “very affordable, considering everything it does. We’re seeing open rates around 50%, 100% deliverability and no unsubscriptions. The team also mentions their high level of satisfaction on their click rate and reactivity rate, and they also track the most clicked part of their campaigns. “This has allowed us to improve the quality of our content, for example by offering more video content, which our audience finds more engaging.” 

Company Information

With a network of over 360 centers in France, France Pare-Brise specializes in windshield and window pane replacement for all types of vehicles, including cars, civil engineering, agricultural, buses or trucks. The company offers drivers a full suite of services to enhance the customer journey, leveraging a fleet of temporary swap vehicles, mobile replacement trucks, and since 2018, online appointment bookings. Its clientele includes insurance firms, company fleets, car rental companies, and individuals. France Pare-Brise became part of the Saint-Gobain group in October 2016. Their objective is two-fold: simplifying their customers’ lives by offering more services and meeting insurers’ needs. Today, thanks to the work of 180 independent entrepreneurs and their teams across 360 centers, France Pare-Brise is a prominent leaders in the French automobile repair market.

  • Industry: Automotive
  • Company Size: 58 employees
  • Location: Ennery, France
  • Website: franceparebrise.fr/
  • Plan: Premium

The Marketing team at France Pare-Brise

"The platform is very intuitive, we can now communicate on a regular basis with our members and insurers in a personalized manner"

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